HyperPixel 4.0 - VNC screen resolution setting?


Is there a way to change (increase) the resolution of the (shared/virtual) screen I see on my mac when using VNC?

The resolution in config.txt is set to the correct resolution for the HyPix screen(800x480), but I’d rather a larger display when I log in from my mac…

Can this EVEN be DONE!!!???


I would say thats done in VNC, and should be doable.

@Tim_Allan_UK You can set the resolution if you use a virtual vnc connection.
I’ve been trying to change the resolution on the “real” vnc connection but it seems to be stuck at the HP4.0 resolution. :(

You can change the framebuffer_width and framebuffer_height in your boot/config.txt file to manually set the resolution of the hyperpixel. This will change the resolution of your VNC connection and it willchange the resolution of the GUI on your hyperpixel.

@mydudechris, thanks, I’ll give that a go!

Hi there

Reading this thread I was able of changing VNC and screen resolution, but can anyone point me to a good resolution that fully covers screen (I hate black bands but I want to work at my remote computer)

This is my config.txt file


#uncomment if hdmi display is not detected and composite is being output

#uncomment to force a specific HDMI mode (this will force VGA)