[SOLVED] Change in git to line 71 in __init__.py

The change in git to line 71 (Fix to auto-scan) in library/flotilla/__init__.py, made 8 days ago, gives me this error:

  Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "landl.py", line 21, in `<module>`
        'eight': flotilla.Rainbow
      File "/home/pi/flotilla-offline/flotilla-python/library/flotilla/__init__.py", line 76, in `__init__`
        raise AttributeError("No port specified and none found!")
    AttributeError: No port specified and none found!

I have two modules attached to the dock, Light in port two and Rainbow in port eight. I believe port eight gets checked first and the script stops. If I change the code in landl.py to only require port ‘two’, then the error reported is for port ‘two’.
When I use the previous code on line 71 it works OK with no errors reported.

Edited once for more detail.

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