Adjust Python examples

The “and the Temperature is” displays as text. The %s displays what’s after the other % sign out side the brackets. % (T) displays the variable T which is the rounded off temperature. Taken from the BME280
T = bme280.get_temperature()
T = round(T)
And the c (more text) to denote degrees Celsius. Have a look at this.
This will work with a BME680 etc, with some code changes.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import os
import time, datetime
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
from unicornhatmini import UnicornHATMini

    from smbus2 import SMBus
except ImportError:
    from smbus import SMBus
from bme280 import BME280

bus = SMBus(1)
bme280 = BME280(i2c_dev=bus)

unicornhatmini = UnicornHATMini()

GPIO.setup(5, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down = GPIO.PUD_UP)  # A
GPIO.setup(6, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down = GPIO.PUD_UP)  # B
GPIO.setup(16, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down = GPIO.PUD_UP) # X
GPIO.setup(24, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down = GPIO.PUD_UP) # Y

# button_map
#  5: "A",
#  6: "B",
# 16: "X",
# 24: "Y"}

X = 0
Y = 0
M = 0

def Dim(channel):  

def Bright(channel):  

def Shutdown(channel):  
    global X
    X = 1

def Exit(channel):  
    global Y
    Y = 1           

GPIO.add_event_detect(5, GPIO.FALLING, callback = Dim, bouncetime = 2000)
GPIO.add_event_detect(6, GPIO.FALLING, callback = Bright, bouncetime = 2000)
GPIO.add_event_detect(16, GPIO.FALLING, callback = Shutdown, bouncetime = 2000)
GPIO.add_event_detect(24, GPIO.FALLING, callback = Exit, bouncetime = 2000)

rotation = 0
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        rotation = int(sys.argv[1])
    except ValueError:
        print("Usage: {} <rotation>".format(sys.argv[0]))

display_width, display_height = unicornhatmini.get_shape()


font = ImageFont.truetype("/home/pi/5x7.ttf", 8)

offset_x = 0

while True:

    if offset_x == 0 and M == 0:
        text = time.strftime("It's %A %B %-d %-I:%M %p")
        text_width, text_height = font.getsize(text)
        image ='P', (text_width + display_width + display_width, display_height), 0)
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
        draw.text((display_width, -1), text, font=font, fill=255)
        r, g, b = (0, 255, 255)

    elif offset_x == 0 and M == 1:
        T = bme280.get_temperature() 
        T = round(T)
        if T <= 0: 
            r, g, b = [0, 0, 255]    # Blue
        elif T > 0 and T < 13:
            r, g, b, = [255, 255, 0] # Yellow
        elif T >= 13 and T < 25:
            r, g, b = [0, 255, 0]    # Green
        elif T >= 25 and T < 30:
            r, g, b = [255, 50, 0]  # Orange
        elif T >= 30:
            r, g, b = [255, 0, 0]    # Red

        text = ("and the Temperature is %sc") % (T)
        text_width, text_height = font.getsize(text)
        image ='P', (text_width + display_width + display_width, display_height), 0)
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
        draw.text((display_width, -1), text, font=font, fill=255)

    elif offset_x == 0 and M == 2:
        H = bme280.get_humidity() 
        H = round(H)
        if H < 30:
            r, g, b = [255, 0, 0]    # Red
        elif H >= 30 and H <= 60:
            r, g, b = [0, 255, 0]    # Green
        elif H > 60 and H < 80:
            r, g, b = [255, 255, 0]  # Yellow
        elif H >= 80:
            r, g, b = [255, 0, 0]    # Red

        text = ("with %s%% Humidity") % (H)
        text_width, text_height = font.getsize(text)
        image ='P', (text_width + display_width + display_width, display_height), 0)
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
        draw.text((display_width, -1), text, font=font, fill=255)

    elif offset_x == 0 and M == 3:
        p = bme280.get_pressure() 
        P = round(p)
        if P > 0 and P < 982:             # Very Low
            r, g, b = [255, 0, 0]         # Red
        elif P >= 982 and P < 1004:       # Low
            r, g, b = [255, 255, 0]       # Yellow
        elif P >= 1004 and P < 1026:      # Mid Range
            r, g, b = [0, 255, 0]         # Green
        elif P >= 1026 and P < 1048:      # High
            r, g, b = [0, 0, 255]         # Blue
        elif P >= 1048:                   # Very High
            r, g, b = [255, 50, 0]        # Orange

        text = ("@ %smb Pressure") % (P)
        text_width, text_height = font.getsize(text)
        image ='P', (text_width + display_width + display_width, display_height), 0)
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
        draw.text((display_width, -1), text, font=font, fill=255)


        for y in range(display_height):
            for x in range(display_width):
                if image.getpixel((x + offset_x, y)) == 255:
                    unicornhatmini.set_pixel(x, y, r, g, b)
                    unicornhatmini.set_pixel(x, y, 0, 0, 0)

    offset_x += 1
    if offset_x + display_width > image.size[0]:
        offset_x = 0
        M = M + 1

    if M == 4:
        M = 0
    if X == 1:
        unicornhatmini.set_all(0, 0, 0)
        os.system("sudo shutdown now -P")

    if Y == (1):
        unicornhatmini.set_all(0, 0, 0)        
        raise SystemExit


# Last edited on June 16th 2020
# added temperature humididty and pressure display
# run sudo crontab -e
# add
# @reboot python3 /home/pi/