Automation HAT + Flask web server?

Sorry if this is the wrong category … the categories are not obvious to me…

Anyway, I’d like have a RaspPi run a Flask web server while simultaneously attending to GPIO events, etc. Sound like a multi threaded problem, yes? I thought so so I did the following code:

import time
import automationhat
from threading import Thread
from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

###  Classes ###
class run_light:
   def __init__(self):
      self._running = True

   def terminate(self):
      self._running = False

   def run(self):
      while self._running:

###  Functions ###
def hello():
   return "Hello World!"

###  MAIN  ###
if automationhat.is_automation_hat():
   print("Started daemon")
runlight = run_light()
runlightthread = Thread(
print("Run light thread started")

if __name__ == "__main__":'', port=80, debug=True)

This causes the Comms pin to wildly flash rather than flashing every two seconds. Any ideas or techniques for running a webserver thread in parallel with a automation / GPIO servicing thread?

I’m sure this is better for StackOverflow but maybe someone knows of inherent incompatibilities to AutomationHat driver and Flash…

Thanks for any pointers!