I’m trying to get my Blinkt!, on Raspberry Pi 3, to display a red pixel for every 50 subscribers (small steps, eh?)
I’m having a bit of trouble with the API, as it all looks rather confusing. Can somebody shed some light?
I’m trying to get my Blinkt!, on Raspberry Pi 3, to display a red pixel for every 50 subscribers (small steps, eh?)
I’m having a bit of trouble with the API, as it all looks rather confusing. Can somebody shed some light?
The YouTube API, or the Blinkt! API? :D
The YouTube API dude ;0
The Blinkt! library is too easy not to understand.
True, that. I’ve not used the YouTube API before. Are you using a Python library for it?
It definitely looks contrived: https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/code_samples/python