@Billy_the_nid Thanks for your research!
According to your last comment, your formula is:
comp_gas = log(gas_reading) + 0.04 * humidity_reading
Or is it this, according to your comment in January 2019?
comp_gas = log(gas_reading) + 0.04 log(gas_reading)/humidity_reading * humidity_reading
I’m kind of confused by it.
Right now I’m using the following formula:
comp_gas = log(gas_reading) + 0.04 * humidity_reading
And I’m reading the data once a minute and let it graph:
BME680 OK - Air Quality is good (13.027415110627395), Gas: 148634ohm, Temp: 12.5458203125 C, Humidity: 27.954323084484688%, Pressure: 956.7120210317003hPa |iaq=13.027415110627395;;0;500 gas=148634;;; temp=12.5458203125;;; humidity=27.954323084484688;;; pressure=956.7120210317003;;;
Could you please verify if the Air Quality (13.027…) is correctly calculated according to your formula using the sensor data?
Do I interpret the result from your formula correctly that comp_gas
is a value between 0 and 500 (where 0 stands for best and 500 for worst air quality)?