I have been trying to setup PIMORONI Enviro+ but I can’t. I am having several issues. I had been trying several approaches
- curl -sSL …get.pimoroni.com/enviroplus | bash
This script will install everything needed to use
Always be careful when running scripts and commands copied
from the internet. Ensure they are from a trusted source.
If you want to see what this script does before running it,
you should run: ‘curl …://get.pimoroni.com/enviroplus-python’
This hardware is not supported, sorry!
Config files have been left untouched
:~$git clone …://github.com/pimoroni/enviroplus-python
:~$ cd enviroplus-python
:~/enviroplus-python$ sudo ./install.sh
Checking for python-configparser
Installing missing packages: python-configparser
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree… Done
Reading state information… Done
E: Unable to locate package python-configparser
./install.sh: line 117: python: command not found
3. for pthong configparser I already have done
sudo apt-get install python3-dev libmysqlclient-dev
sudo pip3 install configparser
- :~/enviroplus-python$ sudo ./install.sh
Checking for python-configparser
Installing missing packages: python-configparser
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree… Done
Reading state information… Done
E: Unable to locate package python-configparser
./install.sh: line 117: python: command not found
Error parsing configuration…
Kindly assist.