Is it possible to connect more than one Mote pHAT to one raspberry pi zero? if yes, howI can I code it?
Is it possible to connect more than one Mote pHAT to one raspberry pi zero? if yes, howI can I code it?
It’s possible, yes, but not simple since you would, at the very least, need to re-wire the pins for Channel 1, 2, 3, 4 to another set of 4 pins and change the library to support 8 channels and use them: https://pinout.xyz/pinout/mote_phat
You’d have to change: https://github.com/pimoroni/mote-phat/blob/master/library/motephat/init.py#L16 to add the 4 pins you’ve chosen to the end.
And: https://github.com/pimoroni/mote-phat/blob/master/library/motephat/init.py#L19 to reflect the new number of channels (8, or maybe 12 or 16 if you use even more)
And: https://github.com/pimoroni/mote-phat/blob/master/library/motephat/init.py#L24-L29
(which should probably use NUM_CHANNELS rather than duplicate code)
And, well, actually I think that’s it!
I think the wiring would be the tricky bit.
Using the USB Mote would be easier, but not half as fun!
For wiring, I would purchase a “black hat hack3r” from pimoroni. It lets you break out the GPIO to two separate headers so you can fit both hats.