Display and others breakdown

I used different kind of display. Before all, I want to congratulate the team. The panel of the display is really impressive, good quality and very beautiful.

I have some difficulties with several screens to program a power off, of the screen and the rgb led when there is. It seems that one time I have start to use it, I can’t stop it.
Could you confirm it?
-I could enter a code when the board start and close this problem by restart the board and configure all parameters at this time.
-Sometimes there is the “en” pin (like on the feather) on a board. Is it possible to find a breakout for this purpose and add it to my project on a omnibus?

I think some more detailed info is needed?
Raspberry Pi or Pi Pico?
And which display?

For a lot of these displays, once you put code in the display buffer, it stays there as long as the display is powered on. To get a blank screen you need to clear the buffer.
Same sort of deal with the RGB LED’s. If you set a color (turn it on) you’ll also need to turn it off, when you want it off.
Some will lite up dimly until you turn them off with your code. The Pico Display Pack, I think does this.

Also, some displays will let you turn the backlight off. It’s hit or miss, some have the BL pin some don’t.

Hey Alpha,
I use the pico lipo with micropython.
I have tested for that the pico displaypack the pico gfx pack and the pico diplay pack2.
So with the picographics library… Is there a power_off function?
I don’t know, but for example on a omnibus, with the gfx, the command gp.set_backlight(0,0,0,0) no works, and the screen stay in the same state of color. I can just change the color… No stop it. I thinks that I have to restart the board for that, or find something that I can enter between the screen and the board… It’s the same with the led, and I haven’t found a command for stop the display too in the lib…

Pico Graphics has a display.clear() function.
pimoroni-pico/micropython/modules/picographics at main · pimoroni/pimoroni-pico (github.com)

For the Display Pack
pimoroni-pico/micropython/examples/pico_display at main · pimoroni/pimoroni-pico (github.com)

display.set_pen(0 ,0 ,0)

Should get you a blank screen.
And display.set_backlight(0) should turn the Backlight off.

from pimoroni import RGBLED
led = RGBLED(6, 7, 8)
led.set_rgb(0, 0, 0)

Should turn the LED off

Sometimes you have to poke around in the examples to find the relevant code. There is no off per say. Except for totally removing the power to the display.

Afters a lots of hours, I have understand… The problem was the button b and the button y. They don’t works on the displaypack… I will test more…
Thanks a lot for your help.

The Display Pack button test example is here,
pimoroni-pico/micropython/examples/pico_display/button_test.py at main · pimoroni/pimoroni-pico (github.com)

If you soldered the header onto the Pico, double check your soldering.

So, I’m not in my mood in this moment… A big sorry for the inconvenience.
Finally, there is just the button Y which no works on my displayPack.
I’m confused. I think that my bigger error was about the velocity of the button class. Very fast. My usual loop didn’t permitted to see correctly what’s happened…
I’m glad to have met you and to be able to count on a good support.

It can be frustrating at times. it’s also a lot of fun, and very rewarding when you figure it out and get things working and doing what you wanted.

Putting time.sleep and print statements in as visual cues while testing can really help.