Enviro+ - very disappointed - useless?

well. fuck.
I did not realize that those are 2 different things. I’m sorry for all the confusion. I have the Enviro.
Thank you for the support though!

Ah, bummer but that helps sort things out somewhat. Looks like its the same installer for both though? The link to the python library for the Enviro points to the Enviro + GitHub page.

There is an Enviro pHat GitHub repo and an Enviro+ repo, can’t find one for just the Enviro though? The Enviro+ one must do both.

Can’t find a pinout for the Enviro either? Just one for the Enviro +

Wow! This interface is much more beautiful than the one in the terminal :) How did you get it?

I wrote a Python script the creates a Flask web server on my intranet. The code is here: https://github.com/nophead/EnviroPlusWeb

Needs some font tweaks to work with the latest Pimoroni libraries.

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That’s awesome! Thank you very much!