Thank you for your reply @alphanumeric
Schematic? not sure where I can get one… I haven’t come across one.
Regarding the code, I guess you mean the ‘’ (code is listed below), which appears to be the code handling all the weather sensors (temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind, rain, etc.).
Incidentally, if that is the code, then it doesn’t appear to include handling a battery voltage sensor. The only references to voltage in that code are in the wind direction handling section.
I understand wind direction is detected by measuring voltage drop across resistors in the wind vane. So a reference to voltage in that section would appear to have little to do with battery voltage.
Another pointer in that direction is that the ‘voltage’ parameter appears missing from the code section at the end, where all weather parameter values are returned.
Having said that, even though it doesn’t appear to be generated by this code, a ‘voltage’ = 0 is uploaded to MQTT every time.
import time, math, os
from breakout_bme280 import BreakoutBME280
from breakout_ltr559 import BreakoutLTR559
from machine import Pin, PWM
from pimoroni import Analog
from enviro import i2c, activity_led
import enviro.helpers as helpers
from phew import logging
# amount of rain required for the bucket to tip in mm
# distance from the centre of the anemometer to the centre
# of one of the cups in cm
# scaling factor for wind speed in m/s
WIND_FACTOR = 0.0218
bme280 = BreakoutBME280(i2c, 0x77)
ltr559 = BreakoutLTR559(i2c)
wind_direction_pin = Analog(26)
wind_speed_pin = Pin(9, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
rain_pin = Pin(10, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_DOWN)
last_rain_trigger = False
def startup(reason):
global last_rain_trigger
import wakeup
# check if rain sensor triggered wake
rain_sensor_trigger = wakeup.get_gpio_state() & (1 << 10)
if rain_sensor_trigger:
# read the current rain entries
rain_entries = []
if helpers.file_exists(“rain.txt”):
with open(“rain.txt”, “r”) as rainfile:
rain_entries =“\n”)
# add new entry"> add new rain trigger at {helpers.datetime_string()}")
# limit number of entries to 190 - each entry is 21 bytes including
# newline so this keeps the total rain.txt filesize just under one
# filesystem block (4096 bytes)
rain_entries = rain_entries[-190:]
# write out adjusted rain log
with open(“rain.txt”, “w”) as rainfile:
last_rain_trigger = True
# if we were woken by the RTC or a Poke continue with the startup
return (reason is WAKE_REASON_RTC_ALARM
# there was no rain trigger so continue with the startup
return True
def check_trigger():
global last_rain_trigger
rain_sensor_trigger = rain_pin.value()
if rain_sensor_trigger and not last_rain_trigger:
# read the current rain entries
rain_entries = []
if helpers.file_exists(“rain.txt”):
with open(“rain.txt”, “r”) as rainfile:
rain_entries =“\n”)
# add new entry"> add new rain trigger at {helpers.datetime_string()}")
# limit number of entries to 190 - each entry is 21 bytes including
# newline so this keeps the total rain.txt filesize just under one
# filesystem block (4096 bytes)
rain_entries = rain_entries[-190:]
# write out adjusted rain log
with open(“rain.txt”, “w”) as rainfile:
last_rain_trigger = rain_sensor_trigger
def wind_speed(sample_time_ms=1000):
# get initial sensor state
state = wind_speed_pin.value()
# create an array for each sensor to log the times when the sensor state changed
# then we can use those values to calculate an average tick time for each sensor
ticks = []
start = time.ticks_ms()
while time.ticks_diff(time.ticks_ms(), start) <= sample_time_ms:
now = wind_speed_pin.value()
if now != state: # sensor output changed
# record the time of the change and update the state
state = now
# if no sensor connected then we have no readings, skip
if len(ticks) < 2:
return 0
# calculate the average tick between transitions in ms
average_tick_ms = (time.ticks_diff(ticks[-1], ticks[0])) / (len(ticks) - 1)
if average_tick_ms == 0:
return 0
# work out rotation speed in hz (two ticks per rotation)
rotation_hz = (1000 / average_tick_ms) / 2
# calculate the wind speed in metres per second
circumference = WIND_CM_RADIUS * 2.0 * math.pi
wind_m_s = rotation_hz * circumference * WIND_FACTOR
return wind_m_s
def wind_direction():
# adc reading voltage to cardinal direction taken from our python
# library - each array index represents a 45 degree step around
# the compass (index 0 == 0, 1 == 45, 2 == 90, etc.)
# we find the closest matching value in the array and use the index
# to determine the heading
ADC_TO_DEGREES = (0.9, 2.0, 3.0, 2.8, 2.5, 1.5, 0.3, 0.6)
closest_index = -1
last_index = None
# ensure we have two readings that match in a row as otherwise if
# you read during transition between two values it can glitch
# fixes Wind direction reading can be off when taken during transition · Issue #20 · pimoroni/enviro · GitHub
while True:
value = wind_direction_pin.read_voltage()
closest_index = -1
closest_value = float(‘inf’)
for i in range(8):
distance = abs(ADC_TO_DEGREES[i] - value)
if distance < closest_value:
closest_value = distance
closest_index = i
if last_index == closest_index:
last_index = closest_index
return closest_index * 45
def rainfall(seconds_since_last):
amount = 0
now = helpers.timestamp(helpers.datetime_string())
if helpers.file_exists(“rain.txt”):
with open(“rain.txt”, “r”) as rainfile:
rain_entries =“\n”)
# count how many rain ticks since the last reading
for entry in rain_entries:
if entry:
ts = helpers.timestamp(entry)
if now - ts < seconds_since_last:
amount += RAIN_MM_PER_TICK
per_second = 0
if seconds_since_last > 0:
per_second = amount / seconds_since_last
return amount, per_second
def get_sensor_readings(seconds_since_last):
# bme280 returns the register contents immediately and then starts a new reading
# we want the current reading so do a dummy read to discard register contents first
bme280_data =
ltr_data = ltr559.get_reading()
rain, rain_per_second = rainfall(seconds_since_last)
from ucollections import OrderedDict
return OrderedDict({
“temperature”: round(bme280_data[0], 2),
“humidity”: round(bme280_data[2], 2),
“pressure”: round(bme280_data[1] / 100.0, 2),
“luminance”: round(ltr_data[BreakoutLTR559.LUX], 2),
“wind_speed”: wind_speed(),
“rain”: rain,
“rain_per_second”: rain_per_second,
“wind_direction”: wind_direction()