The Inky Frame word clock is excellent but doesn’t account for British Summer Time (or any other daylight saving time).
I have written a Medium article (here) in this topic:
For this post, here is my modified code for the program.
# New Code
import machine
import ntptime
# Length of time between updates in minutes.
graphics = None
rtc = machine.RTC()
time_string = None
words = ["it", "d", "is", "m", "about", "l", "half", "c", "quarter", "b", "to", "u", "past", "n", "one",
"two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "eleven", "ten", "nine", "eight", "seven", "rm", "twelve", "rt", "O'Clock", "q"]
def approx_time(hours, minutes):
nums = {0: "twelve", 1: "one", 2: "two",
3: "three", 4: "four", 5: "five", 6: "six",
7: "seven", 8: "eight", 9: "nine", 10: "ten",
11: "eleven", 12: "twelve"}
if hours == 12:
hours = 0
if minutes > 0 and minutes < 8:
return "it is about " + nums[hours] + " O'Clock"
elif minutes >= 8 and minutes < 23:
return "it is about quarter past " + nums[hours]
elif minutes >= 23 and minutes < 38:
return "it is about half past " + nums[hours]
elif minutes >= 38 and minutes < 53:
return "it is about quarter to " + nums[hours + 1]
return "it is about " + nums[hours + 1] + " O'Clock"
def is_bst(date_tuple):
year, month, day, weekday, hour, minute, second, subseconds = date_tuple[:8]
# BST starts on the last Sunday in March
if month > 3 and month < 10:
return True
if month == 3:
# Calculate the last Sunday in March
last_sunday = 31 - (weekday if day > 24 else weekday + 7)
return day > last_sunday
if month == 10:
# BST ends on the last Sunday in October
last_sunday = 31 - (weekday if day > 24 else weekday + 7)
return day <= last_sunday
return False
def update():
global time_string
# grab the current time from the NTP server and update the Pico RTC
except OSError:
print("Unable to contact NTP server")
# Get the current time from the RTC
current_t = rtc.datetime()
# Extract the hour and minute
hour = current_t[4] # Hours since midnight [0, 23]
minute = current_t[5] # Minutes after the hour [0, 59]
# Manually check if BST should apply
if is_bst(current_t):
hour += 1
# Handle hour overflow (24-hour format)
if hour == 24:
hour = 0
# Calculate the approximate time in words
time_string = approx_time(hour - 12 if hour > 12 else hour, minute)
# Splits the string into an array of words for displaying later
time_string = time_string.split()
def draw():
global time_string
WIDTH, HEIGHT = graphics.get_bounds()
# Clear the screen
# Values for the layout and spacing
if WIDTH == 640: # Inky Frame 4.0"
default_x = 5
x = default_x
y = 10
line_space = 70
letter_space = 40
elif WIDTH == 800:
default_x = 5
x = default_x
y = 70
line_space = 60
letter_space = 50
else: # Inky Frame 5.7"
default_x = 20
x = default_x
y = 40
line_space = 65
letter_space = 35
scale = 5
spacing = 2
for word in words:
if word in time_string:
graphics.set_pen(graphics.create_pen(220, 220, 220))
for letter in word:
text_length = graphics.measure_text(letter, scale, spacing)
if not x + text_length <= WIDTH:
y += line_space
x = default_x
graphics.text(letter.upper(), x, y, 640, scale=scale, spacing=spacing)
x += letter_space
I hope this helps.