I can build everything ok but when running any of the examples wifi will not connect. Wifi scan always shows 0 networks found. I tried to build with cmake -DPICO_BOARD=pico_w also.
That example is for the old Pico Wireless board, which pre-dated the PicoW, and won’t work with it.
From a very quick scan, there’s not much obvious in the pimoroni-pico C++ examples that show PicoW networking, which is a bit of an oversight (although possibly because it’s … complicated).
I’ve got a PicoW boilerplate that provides some basic networking, although whether it’s a good place to learn PicoW networking is an open question :-)
Thanks very much for the reply. Ah right that has been driving me mad. I will take a look at your boilerplate and see if I can get that working.
What would be great if there was Interstate 75W drivers for Arduino IDE. Python is too limited and as we have discovered the C++ examples aren’t quite there.
To be fair to Pimoroni, the examples cover the Pimorini-related stuff well; the WiFi stuff on the PicoW is covered somewhat in the official Raspberry Pi documentation
Unfortunately it’s a complex area and quite quickly drifts into “go figure out cyw43/lwIP” which is … less well documented, but you get there in the end :)