Non-Raspberry Pi Enviro python

I am using an UP Board to run the Enviro+, PM, and CO2 sensors and so far I got the BME280 sensors and light sensor reading just fine, but all the other sensors require RPi.GPIO pip package, and that refuses to run on x86.

from RPi._GPIO import *
RuntimeError: This module can only be run on a Raspberry Pi!

Is there anyway to use the other modules on the enviro on an SBC that is NOT a raspberry pi?

Check out the updated Pi 5 drivers - they use a new kernel library for interacting with the GPIO that might be more accommodating of other SBCs?

Thanks for the reply!

I was actually poking around GPIOd.
I’ll have to take a look at the new scripts
The install script has never worked for me, x86 SBC and Debian 12.