I have not had that problem with MacOS on an M2 Mac mini. I have been working with the Pico Plus 2 and the Plasma 2350. I have tried the Pimoroni experimental build for the Plasma and the recommended RP2350 Micropython preview builds as well. Thonny has been its usual rock-solid self.
So, if PC means Windows, perhaps Windows does not like what it sees over the USB serial link?
I will try Linux (R Pi 5) later.
pre-built UF2 working on my Plus2, both the MP and the Pimoroni ones. How do you use the new repo to build your own UF2 for the Plus2? It wasn’t obvious from looking at the repo itself. I tried to just copy the appropriate board folder into my MP tree, but that failed to build, also.
There is another problem, this time with the internal pull-downs for the GPIO pins in INPUT mode. The RP2350 Errata-9 problem is easily illustrated with this example:
# Button test 4 - Internal PULL-DOWN Latches HIGH - FAULT Errata 9
from machine import Pin
import time
button = Pin(15,Pin.IN,Pin.PULL_DOWN)
led= Pin(25,Pin.OUT)
while True:
The program does not work as you would expect. It starts off with the LED OFF and a button value of 0 and changes to LED ON and value 1 when the button is pressed. Unfortunately, when you release the button the LED remains ON and stays on. It is latched ON! You can get over it by using internal PULL-UP or external 10K resistors.