Picovector arc api oddness


Im trying to figure out have I found a bug or am I just misunderstanding something

I have a pico W with an attached picodisplay 2.0, flashed with picow-v1.24.0-beta2-pimoroni-micropython.uf2
I am trying to draw arcs on a circle with the following code

from picographics import PicoGraphics, DISPLAY_PICO_DISPLAY_2, PEN_RGB332
from picovector import PicoVector, Polygon, Transform, ANTIALIAS_X16

display = PicoGraphics(DISPLAY_PICO_DISPLAY_2, pen_type=PEN_RGB332)

vector = PicoVector(display)
BLACK = display.create_pen(0, 0, 0)
WHITE = display.create_pen(255, 255, 255)
BLUE = display.create_pen(0, 0, 200)

WIDTH, HEIGHT = display.get_bounds()
MIDDLE = (int(WIDTH / 2), int(HEIGHT / 2))

face = Polygon()
face.circle(int(WIDTH / 2), int(HEIGHT / 2), int(HEIGHT / 2))

wedge = Polygon()
wedge.arc(int(WIDTH / 2), int(HEIGHT / 2), int(HEIGHT / 2), 0, 60)


The result is the attached image arc_60.png

To me the output seems to be a mirror of what I expect
0 Degrees is at the 6 o clock position instead of 12/0
and angle increases in the counter clockwise direction instead of clockwise

Is this a bug or am I misunderstanding / configuring the api

Here is what I get if I increase the “to” angle to 120