Presto graphics vs Picographics. Oh dear!

On Christmas Day Tony asked “Just a thought: Why is it presto.update() and not display.update() ?”

Well, it is display.update if you import picographics.
It is presto.update if you import presto.

If you look at help for presto, it tells you it IS picographics. Pimoroni have wrapped it for unknown reasons. But trying to makeover a picographics app you must use the right pairing or nothing happens, most irritatingly, no error or use message.

We tend to do a Python wrapper for products that are designed to do a specific thing like Presto (or Unicorn, or Inky Frame) - this means you don’t need to include all of the display boilerplate code every time and (we think) makes code more fun to write.

You don’t need to import presto if you don’t want to though, you can init the screen long form as you would any PicoGraphics display. Here’s the part in the that sets up the display:

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Thanks Pei, there is a lot to learn with Presto and we need the support team to explain some of the less accessible issues.
Much appreciated.

That was interesting, Thanks

How about a little information on the sound system. Is there a volume control? Can it play tones we can hear? The Pimoroni Explorer has a pretty good sound system. Can we expect something similar soon?