I’m a programmer but new to Presto and Python. So hopefully I can get a few quick pointers on the basics to get me going.
When I first powered it on, I got a screen telling me that MicroPython was pre-installed. I managed to figure out that powering it on into “BOOT” mode allowed me to access the RP2350 drive on my Mac / Linux laptop. After trying to save a simple .py file there, I noticed it would vanish on reboot.
From there, it didn’t show anything on the display again - it is backlit but always black. I was also unable to get anything to work or appear on the screen. So I tried to “flash” it by copying the “presto-v0.0.5-micropython-with-filesystem.uf2” file to the drive, it would then automatically restart but again, black screen.
Can anyone give me any pointers here? If I could get something to appear and figure out the basics of having it load something to the screen, I should be able to pick up the programming side fairly quickly after that.
This seems to be handy to actually push data files like images, RSS feeds, light eBooks, etc. automatically to a pico on USB connect, as they could be too huge to retrieve wirelessly or the PICO just doesn’t have wireless option as the Pico W…
A shell script could do the job and on disconnect all data on the PICO is always up-to-date…
Does rshell also exist for iPad? I couldn’t find it after a brief internet search… This would make PICO development really portable…
Actually, I know a-shell and used it in the past already. I am wondering how the Pico registers to the USB port to be accessable via scp…I thought this would be special to rshell?!
What I saw is scping a file via USB, but this was anyway under CircuitPython, not micropython. Thus, the Pico is anyways connected as USB drive and the filestructure is accessable…so, no real magic and nothing special to rshell…
As of now, I cannot see how to make the Pico accessable as a USB-connected device under micropython, because there is not only a terminal emulation needed but something capable to speak to the Pico natively…
Is there a step-by-step guide (for dummies) out there…? 😉
For the Presto, my idea ( waiting on delivery of device ) is to use a I2C to USB adapter. These seem to be available readily, but the prices range widely. I gather that Pimoroni had such a device in mind with the only external IO connector being the chainable I2C.
BTW an answer to an unrelated question is to get a right-angle USB cable. Another help client was commenting on the USB cable sticking out from the Presto. A right-angle cable does reduce this issue.