I’m in the early stages of a project and was hoping for some ideas and input. The basic concept is an RGB lightbox given to my parents, which will display a colour based on sensors owned by me and my two sisters.
The idea is that each sensor will (somehow) provide a number between 0 and 255, with that number directly controlling the strength of its specified colour. My box will control the amount of green, while my sister Jessica will control the blue, and Emily will control the red, with the combination of the three producing an individual colour in the box my parents have.
So, I’ve been doing some research, and have some ideas on how to power the lights in the main box, as well as how to send the data across the internet (MQTT), but what I don’t know is how best to generate the strength of each of my sibling’s boxes.
The original idea was a potentiometer in each box, which we could control manually, but I’m not so keen on this idea anymore, as, while I’m sure it’ll be fun and interesting to play with when I first give them as gifts, after a while we’ll get bored of twiddling the knobs, and I’m after something which is going to keep going.
Which is what brings me here. I figured I could probably get some ambient sensors which sit inside each box, and from the data they produce, generate my required 0 to 255 number. Problem is, I’m not really sure what sensors are available, or what would provide enough range that, say, over the course of a week, the whole range of 0 to 255 could be hit, without the number changing too frequently.
I mean, I could use a temperature sensor, but it strikes me that this is going to stay pretty consistent over the course of a week. Maybe a humidity sensor? Proximity? I don’t know - which is why I’m hoping you can help.
What would you suggest? Thank you.