Badger2040 system speed

I’m using pimoroni-badger2040-1.19.7-micropython.uf2 on my badger2040. When I try to set the system speed to, for example, SYSTEM_FAST using the following docs:

I get this error message

AttributeError: ‘Badger2040’ object has no attribute ‘system_speed’

Is the system speed setting not part of release 1.19.7 ?

my bad, I think. I was using it as

import badger2040

display = badger2040.Badger2040()
badger = badger2040.Badger2040()

When using it like this:

import badger2040


It does work but I’m not really sure why as the following is the same for the screen update speed, similar format and this does work.

import badger2040

display = badger2040.Badger2040()