I think the Badger 2040 (not W) needs some software updating…
The Badger 2040 isn’t part of the regular Pimoroni Micropython builinds:
From the “Getting Started” we’re sent to: https://github.com/pimoroni/badger2040
and the latest releases (currently 0.0.2 from March).
The Badger OS version demo works fine, but for both the ‘wtih-badger-OS’ and without, the blink LED demo in “Getting Started” does not work:
that is:
import badger2040
badger = badger2040.Badger2040()
Let’s turn off the LED again, to be tidy!
either as script or in command line quits without blinking and without error.
This is not a hardware problem, as the ‘old way’ works fine:
from machine import Pin
led = Pin(25, Pin.OUT)
Checking the Micropython version:
(sysname=‘rp2’, nodename=‘rp2’, release=‘1.19.1’, version=‘38e7b84-dirty on 2023-03-30 (GNU 9.2.1 MinSizeRel)’, machine=‘Pimoroni Badger2040 2MB with RP2040’)
This is pretty old; has the structure of the function calls changed, perhaps with the introduction of the Badger W?