Just purchased myself the Pi 5, really nice translucent case, active cooling, everything good to go. Along with all this I bought a Blinkt! module, thinking yea that’s going to look slick, but I have now found out this will not work using the Python library from Pimoroni on the Raspberry Pi 5 and the new GPIO chip.
Are there any plans to migrate or write the library so it is easily compatible with the latest generation of Pi?
You can light up a Blinkt with the plasma software. I’ve done it. I’ll see if I can find the code I used.
pimoroni/plasma: Plasma LED driver, FX Sequencer and plugins
To install plasma, and start the daemon. it’s as follows. Once you do that it runs all on its own on bootup.
git clone https://github.com/pimoroni/plasma
cd plasma
sudo ./install.sh
cd daemon
sudo ./install.sh
I then did the following to get it to light up the blinkt.
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/plasma.service
and changed the -o GPIO:14:15 to -o GPIO:23:24 for blinkt.
It’s crtl x then y to save the changes.
And then this to get the number of LED’s to match whats on the blinkt.
sudo nano /usr/bin/plasma
and changed LIGHTS = 10 to LIGHTS = 2 for blinkt
The actual Plasma Buttons have 4 LED’s each. Lights=2 equates to 8 LED’s. It’s really Buttons =.
You can also look for a line with load_pattern(“default”) at the end
I changed it to load_pattern(“trippy”) and it switched.
To turn it off, and disable it.
sudo systemctl stop plasma
sudo systemctl disable plasma