I have a BME280 temperature sensor that I am going to be using to grab the internal temps in my home.
I will be connecting it to the rear of the Inky WHAT e-ink screen, using the breakout pins on the back.
I just spotted that the sensor has a very small plug with QW/ST written on it, and I am not sure what that is for?
I can see that there are plugs for this here :
Is that just another way that I could plug into my breakout?
Could I also use the QW/ST to chain another breakout board together? For example, I have an RGB matrix breakout board that I would like to use along with the BME280…
Yes if you are not plugging it into a Pimoroni breakout garden, you can use the “Qwiic” connector to avoid soldering to the sensor. The connector provides a standard pin-out for Power, Ground and the I2C interface signals SCL and SDA. It is possible to daisy-chain these providing the address of the devices are different.
A good introduction is here https://www.sparkfun.com/qwiic?
You’ll find that a lot of the inhouse products from Pimoroni have a QWIC / Stemma connector onboard. Adafruit as well. This lets you connect any breakout that also has a QWICC connector too it via the cable.
These come in handy if you want to connect multiple devices. SparkFun Qwiic MultiPort (pimoroni.com)
I have two in use so far. As mentioned, you can have multiple devices on i2c as long as no two devices have the same i2c address. This is why some of the breakouts have an address select jumper. It can let you use two of the same breakout, or get you out of an address conflict situation.
I have also soldered breakouts without that socket, to ones with it linking the two breakouts. One on top of another. Then linked them to the Pico via the cable.