Buttonshim on boot

I’m using buttonshim on a little media player box I made for work. I REALLY wish there was an easier way to mount this thing or connect real buttons to it. Its really difficult to make use of it in a sealed speaker box! Anyway, that isn’t the point of this thread.

I want to turn on the LED as soon as possible. I will set it to various colors to show the current system status and it even changes color when pressing a button, but I would also like to use the LED color as some sort of boot progress.

My preferences for this are as follows:

  1. Set the LED color to red ASAP, preferably during system initialization via a linux kernel commandline or something like that (I’d rather not patch the kernel itself)

  2. Toggle the correct GPIO via a C program or something that I can fire off as early as possible in the init system so I don’t have to slow down the boot sequence by firing off a python interpretter1. * Set the LED color to red ASAP, preferably during system initialization via a linux kernel commandline or something like that (I’d rather not patch the kernel itself)

    • Toggle the correct GPIO via a C program or something that I can fire off as early as possible in the init system so I don’t have to slow down the boot sequence by firing off a python interpretter
    • Just throw in some python into a couple of the boot files as a last resort.
  3. Just throw in some python into a couple of the boot files as a last resort.

Also want it off on shutdown of course.