Can't rotate HyperPixel 4 on Raspberry Pi OS Lite

I am using Raspberry Pi OS Lite with just X Server.

I tried to do “hyperpixel4-rotate left” and it caused an error. The Hyperpixel is working in terminal and X-Server. I am attaching a screen shot from the working HyperPixel.

I also tried “DISPLAY=:0.0 hyperpixel4-rotate left” and that did not work, something couldn’t be found.

I’ve tried this with and without the HDMI to a real monitor connected.

I am trying to accomplish this, with the HyperPixel:

Hey everyone, I think I fixed this on my own, so I wanted to share here in case anyone else is working with the HyperPixel 4 in Raspberry Pi OS Lite with a minimal X setup.

The fix is essentially here, but replace “display_rotate” with “display_lcd_rotate”:

In essence:

in /boot/config.txt

  1. Comment out dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d
  2. Add display_lcd_rotate=3
    • 3 or 1 are the landscapes
    • don’t do display_rotate but display_lcd_rotate