Clone git with a Pico

I’m sorry if this is a dumb question, but is it possible to clone a github repository with Pico? Since I can’t SSH in, I’m not sure how to do it. Thanks in advance for the help!

Any device that has the ability to run code, cache and store data, and utilize TCP/IP should in theory be capable of interacting with a git repository. The RP2040 microcontroller might satisify some of these criteria sometimes, with add-on components (e.g., SD card interface and network interface), although I wonder if a device such as this which usually executes only one application at a time (an exception when using FreeRTOS) would be able to run git code. The thing about git is that it’s utilized as just one piece of software alongside other software, such as: a file system; a compiler (generally); crypto hashing tools; SSH/HTTPS; and probably other components that lead to the use of git serving part of an overall purpose.

People have done amazing things with microcontrollers, including basic Linux and DOS implementions, web servers and playing Doom… so I wouldn’t say running git is impossible… more so improbable and impractical.

No, it’s probably better to think of the pico as a deployment target/prototype environment, than a full development environment. You’ll need another computer to develop on, that’s where you’d put your git repo.

I suspect the question is what you’re trying to achieve; while it’s probably (just) technically possible, it’s almost certainly not what you want to do :-)

Thanks for the answers. I was trying to clone a git for a little project as that was how the creator suggested it get done. I can write the code to the pico directly, but I was unaware of how to do this without being able to SSH. I did find something maybe, but I don’t know much about it. Rshell?

Anthony Holmes

Without having any knowledge of said ‘little project’; it’s probably intending you to clone it locally and then either build it and transfer the resulting uf2 file (if it’s a C/C++ based thing) or transferring the actual code (if it’s something like MicroPython) via a tool like thonny.

All depends what you mean by words like “code”, really :-)

not much “coding” for me, someone already did it. I can certainly copy over the python files, but he makes it seem like you should be able to clone the repository with a Pico and I’m just curious how that is possible. One way I’ve seen is RShell, but I have a lot more to do to understand that. If you are actually curious here is the project:

git clone GitHub - dr-mod/tiny-system-monitor: External system performance monitor
cp tiny-system-monitor/src/* < CIRCUITPY DRIVE>

The first command would download the files, and the second command would copy it to the CircuitPy device, so it doesn’t seem like they intend it to be downloaded directly to the Pico.

yep, you’re right. That makes more sense. Thank you! Sorry for the confusion. Still learning over here…

Ahh yes, as that’s a CircuitPython project, it should just be a case of copying direct onto the CircuitPy drive; no need for stuff like rshell (which is for MicroPython).