I have recently been trying out the dot hat and I was scrolling through the function reference and wanted to create a character however I did not really understand how to do it. From looking at the function reference I saw that each digit is 5 x 7 and I was hoping to do a design like this
but I am not sure how to execute it with 8, 8 bit integers or what the number 0-7 is for before it?
and finally to save me having to ask this later once you have done the lcd.create_char(char_pos, char_map) how do you write it to the display and chose where it goes.
thanks for the link! I have now created my character in binary and run the lcd.create_char(char_pos, char_map) but how do you write the character to the display?
Your character is actually saved to memory on the LCD display itself. Custom chars are in positions 0 to 7 in the display character memory. These char indexes are significant because they’re usually reserved for stuff in ASCII that’s borderline useless in this day and age, and virtually unprintable.
You can use Python’s chr() function, along with the desired index, to send these unprintable characters to Display-o-Tron, whereupon it will substitute them with the icon that you previously saved automagically:
And if you wanted to interpolate your icons into some text, perhaps:
lcd.write("Hello World {icon0}".format(icon0=chr(0)))
Incidentally, chr(0) is just a slightly less painful way of generating the correct escape sequence to represent this unprintable character in a string. You could use the raw sequence like so: