Deep Sleep, How do I?

I have a Tiny 2040 running Micropython. I have the board connected to a few sensors (3 capacitive moisture sensors, I2C 128x64 OLED, MQ135 Air Quality Sensor, and a DHT22 Humidity and Temperature Sensor) and running off a 3.7V 1200mAh LIPO battery. It seems after a day my battery is dead but I have it running continually and would like to put it into a deep sleep after a button press so the battery lasts longer than a day! I don’t need it to run constantly I just need it to run when I want to look at OLED. What can I change in the code to achieve this? Please give me an example… Thanks!

# Load Libraries--------------------------------
import machine, time, random
from machine import I2C, Pin, ADC
from dht22 import DHT22 #  Temperature & Humidity Sensor module
from sh1106 import SH1106_I2C # I2C Serial 128x64 SSH1106 OLED Display Module
from csms import CSMS # Calculates Hi/Low values sensor values module
from mq135 import MQ135 # Gas/CO2 sensor module

# Define/Initialize GPIO Pins--------------------
i2c2 = I2C(0, sda=machine.Pin(0), scl=machine.Pin(1), freq=400000)
dht22 = DHT22(machine.Pin(2,machine.Pin.IN,machine.Pin.PULL_UP))

adc0 = machine.ADC(machine.Pin(26)) # Moisture sensor 1
adc1 = machine.ADC(machine.Pin(27)) # Moisture sensor 2
adc2 = machine.ADC(machine.Pin(28)) # Moisture sensor 3
adc3 = MQ135(29) # Gas sensor 4

# OLED Display-----------------------------------
oled_width = 128 # Width of OLED screen
oled_height = 64 # Height of OLED screen

oled = SH1106_I2C(oled_width, oled_height, i2c2)

# Scroll in OLED screen vertically---------------
def scroll_in_screen_v(screen):
  for i in range (0, (oled_height+1), 1):
    for line in screen:
      oled.text(line[2], line[0], -oled_height+i+line[1])
    if i!= oled_height:

# Scroll out OLED screen vertically--------------
def scroll_out_screen_v(speed):
  for i in range ((oled_height+1)/speed):
    for j in range (oled_width):
      oled.pixel(j, i, 0)

# CSMS ADS moisture Hi/Low values----------------
csms0 = CSMS(adc0, min_value=54967, max_value=29563) # old:  min_value=60000, max_value=24854
csms1 = CSMS(adc1, min_value=54967, max_value=29563) # old:  min_value=60000, max_value=24854
csms2 = CSMS(adc2, min_value=54967, max_value=29563) # old:  min_value=60000, max_value=24854

# Variable-------------------------------------------
i = 0

while True:
    # Create a .csv file-------------------------
    filename = ("data" + str(random.getrandbits(16)) + ".csv") # Log given a random name to minimise risk of overwriting data upon power loss
    file = open(filename, "w")

# Begin Loop---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    while True:
        # Empty cache and assess memory strain---
        csvdata = []
        with open(filename,'r') as file:
            for line in file:
        if len(csvdata) > 300:
        # Update Temperature & Humidity Sensor---
        T, H = # Gets Temp & Hum from library
        temp_f = T * (9/5) + 32.0 # Converts the (T) temperature to Fahrenheit degrees
        # Update Gas/CO2 sensor------------------
        rzero = adc3.get_rzero()
        corrected_rzero = adc3.get_corrected_rzero(T, H)
        resistance = adc3.get_resistance()
        ppm = adc3.get_ppm()
        corrected_ppm = adc3.get_corrected_ppm(T, H)
        # Iterate lognum-------------------------
        i += 1
        if len(str(i)) == 1:
            lognum = ("Log0000" + str(i))
        elif len(str(i)) == 2:
            lognum = ("Log000" + str(i))
        elif len(str(i)) == 3:
            lognum =  ("Log00" + str(i))
        elif len(str(i)) == 4:
            lognum =  ("Log0" + str(i))
            lognum =  ("Log" + str(i))
        # Get Min/Max values---------------------
        sm1set = [x[4] for x in csvdata]
        sm2set = [x[5] for x in csvdata]
        sm3set = [x[6] for x in csvdata]
        csvdata = []
        if sm1set ==[]:
            row3 = "High " + "N/A" + " " + "N/A" + " " + "N/A"
            row5 = "Low  " + "N/A" + " " + "N/A" + " " + "N/A"
            row3 = "High " + max(sm1set) + " " + max(sm2set) + " " + max(sm3set)
            row5 = "Low  " + min(sm1set) + " " + min(sm2set) + " " + min(sm3set)
        sm1set = []
        sm2set = []
        sm3set = []
        # Update capacitive sensors using CSMS---
        soilz1 =
        soilz2 =
        soilz3 =
        if len(str(soilz1)) == 1: # Normalises the length of the values
            soil1 = ("0" + str(soilz1) + "%")
        elif len(str(soilz1)) == 2:
            soil1 = (str(soilz1) + "%")
            soil1 = ("Max")
        if len(str(soilz2)) == 1: # Normalises the length of the values
            soil2 = ("0" + str(soilz2) + "%")
        elif len(str(soilz2)) == 2:
            soil2 = (str(soilz2) + "%")
            soil2 = ("Max")
        if len(str(soilz3)) == 1: # Normalises the length of the values
            soil3 = ("0" + str(soilz3) + "%")
        elif len(str(soilz1)) == 2:
            soil3 = (str(soilz3) + "%")
            soil3 = ("Max")
        # Write to OLED screen-------------------
        # %m.kf Converts a value of type float (or double) to m decimal positions with k digits after the period.
        OLED_screen1 = [[0, 21 , "Temp: %3.0fF" %temp_f], [0, 37, "Humidity: %3.0f%%" %H]]
        OLED_screen2 = [[0, 8, "SNSR  1   2   3"],
                        [1, 12, "____________________"],
                        [0, 29, (row3)],
                        [0, 42, "Now  " + str(soil1) + " " + str(soil2) + " " + str(soil3)], 
                        [0, 55, (row5)]]
        OLED_screen3 = [[0, 8, "CO2 LEVEL"],
                        [1, 12, "____________________"],
                        [0, 29, str(corrected_ppm)+" ppm"]]
        # Scroll in, stop, scroll out (vertical)
        time.sleep(5) # Sleep for 5 seconds

        time.sleep(5) # Sleep for 5 seconds
        time.sleep(5) # Sleep for 5 seconds
        oled.text('Saving Data...', 0, 25, 1)
#         oled.line(9,35,120,35,1) # draw a line from 9,35 to 120,35 colour=1
        # Write values to .csv file--------------
        # %m.kf Converts a value of type float (or double) to m decimal positions with k digits after the period.
        # time.time() is saved in Epoch Unix Timestamp
        file = open(filename, "a+")
        file.write(str(lognum) + "," + str(time.time()) + "," + str("%3.0fF" %temp_f) + "," + str("%3.0f%%" %H) + "," + str(soil1) + "," + str(soil2) + "," + str(soil3) + "\n")
        oled.fill(0) #Clear OLED for next loop

I’m far from being any kind of coding expert, but can mention a few things that “might” work.
If you remove the while True: line, the code below it only gets run once on power up.
Then put a time sleep of say 10 or 15 seconds so you can read the display.
Then run code to clear the display and set it to all black, and turn the backlight off if it has one.

Pressing the reset button would run your file, display the info, then clear the display and stop. The Tiny is on but not doing anything once the file gets to the end.

Just a FYI. I have a Pico Lipo doing something very similar. It has a dedicated power button to turn it on and off. It turns off everything powered by the Pico Lipo / battery. And as a bonus also has a battery charger built in.

@alphanumeric I am a beginner probably less of a coder than you! Anyways, I have 2 While true statements. One is to create a csv file then the other is to run in a loop and retrieve data. If I get rid of the second While true then it would still loop BUT create a new file over and over on the loop. the image is a
https://Adafruit Micro-Lipo Charger for LiPoly Batt with USB Type C Jack here is a Pinout diagram. IF I use the Lipo I move the white wire to the “BAT” pin and if I want to run off the C or to program the Tiny 2040 I have the white wire on the “5v” pin. I plan on putting a switch there to move between the two pins.

The C end I’m holding plugs into the Tiny 2040…

You shouldn’t have “two” while True: loops? All that code usualy goes in the one while True: section?
Might be a good idea to post your code?

Its in my original #1 post?

Ops, so it is, sorry about that.

I’m pretty sure you can remove the second while true, fix in indents, and get the same results from that existing code? I’m no expert though, what I’ve learned with python is through trial and error, syntax error mostly, ;) .