Enviro weather reporting -40 degrees C

I had a working enviroweather, its started reporting a temp of -40 degrees C. Also other readings seem weird :
{‘readings’: {‘rain_per_second’: 0, ‘pressure’: 741.09, ‘temperature’: -40.0, ‘humidity’: 37.44, ‘wind_direction’: 90, ‘luminance’: 24.6, ‘rain’: 0, ‘voltage’: 0.0, ‘wind_speed’: 0}, ‘nickname’: ‘green’, ‘model’: ‘weather’, ‘uid’: ‘e6614103e7356d22’, ‘timestamp’: ‘2023-08-07T17:14:32Z’}
{‘rain_per_second’: 0, ‘pressure’: 741.09, ‘temperature’: -40.0, ‘humidity’: 37.44, ‘wind_direction’: 90, ‘luminance’: 24.6, ‘rain’: 0, ‘voltage’: 0.0, ‘wind_speed’: 0}

Just in case there was some firmware corruption I reflashed with 0.9, this did not resolve the problem.

Has this been seen before or any ideas. It was stored in a PIMORONI weather enclosure and the problem happens on USB or battery power.


If it was me I’d run the BME280 demo example on it.
pimoroni-pico/micropython/examples/breakout_bme280/demo_bme280.py at main · pimoroni/pimoroni-pico (github.com)

The Enviro Weather uses sda 4 scl 5 so it “should” work as is.

I will give that a go.

Thanks, but no success. I ordered a replacement.

I plan to reuse the bad unit for a water leak sensor.

You could connect an external BME280 via the QWICC connector.
You change its i2c address via the jumper on the back of the BME280 breakout.
Then do a small code edit to have the main.py use it instead of the dud onboard one.