FAN SHIM not stopping

Hi, my Fan is no longer stopping. It was working fine for a few weeks but I noticed it now isnt turning off. The led light also appears not to be coming on. When I check the status of the service I get the following:

systemctl status --no-pager pimoroni-fanshim.service

pimoroni-fanshim.service - Fan Shim Service
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/pimoroni-fanshim.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: inactive (dead)

One other thing is a bit weird. If I run any of the examples they never return. I have to CTRL C the process. Similarly if I do a ‘systemctl restart --no-pager pimoroni-fanshim.service’ it never returns.

I have tried everything to get it working again. Any ideas?



Have you removed and then reattached the fan shim?


Yes I have tried a few times. I have also looked at the pins and they all look fine. If I run the led example, it works fine. The toggle example stops the fan immediately but never returns.



Try running the one line installer again.

Have you installed any other devices connected via the GPIO recently?


I have tried running the install script again but it hangs. It seems to be the service restart that is causing the issue.

I have not installed any other devices. It had no been detached since it was installed ( apart from tonight ).


Ok, where we are now is unfortunately above my current Linux skill level. =(
I should probably get myself one of those Linux for dummies books lol.

Lol. Thank you for trying. Hopefully it will be something simple.

Have you installed very much and or done much customizing etc? If not just reflash you SD Crad with a new Raspbian image and reinstall the fan shim software.

Yea quite a bit. I’ll try backracking to see if any of it could have interfered with the fan.



Ok, I can see why you wouldn’t want to start over unless you have to.
BCM 14 and 15 pins 8 and 10 are normally for the UART. If you were maybe playing around with a serial console or something that may mess things up.
And BCM 18 pin 12 (fan control) is also a PWM pin. If that helps.

I’d also have a look in Raspberry Pi Configuration. Check to see if something got toggled on that shouldn’t be in the interfaces section. I think thats what its called, I’m on my windows PC at the moment.

Ok great will do when I get home. Thanks again for all your help.


So I have found the culprit, although very puzzled at why it would cause an issue. I have a SpringBoot application that runs after startup. It basically just receives event from IOT devices and logs them to a mysql database. If I kill that the fan starts working and reports it status correctly. Strangly though if I reboot the PI and disable the Java Springboot job from starting, and then once everything is up and running run the Springboot app all works fine. So the solution for now is to simply delay the Springboot app running until the PI Fan service is running. Weird.

Thanks again for you help.



That is weird? Good sleuthing though to figure it out.

I have an internet radio (pirate radio) that I had to set to “wait for network”. If I don’t, it either doesn’t stream any music on boot up, or switches streams / channels on me on boot up. Something along the lines of what your dealing with, some type of timing issue. Once I set it to wait for network it starts fine every time and on the station it was on when I last shut it down. In my case its a Pi Zero W that struggles a little bit trying to get everything running on boot up. VLC radio starts up before the network is ready and then starts hunting for a good stream.

In the end it was my stupidity. I decided to start the java process up from RC.local. what I forgot to do is folk it as its own process. Once I did that all worked great. Can’t believe I never spotted it.

Thanks again for your help.


I don’t know, you sound like a pretty smart guy to me.
I’d put it down as just an oversight. ;)
Anyway, now you can go back to using it as intended and having a bit of fun with it. =)