Feather + Stemma / Qwiic breakouts?

I’m looking at the Adafruit Feather STM32F405 Express

and connecting something like the Adafruit DPS310 Precision Barometric Pressure / Altitude Sensor - STEMMA QT / Qwiic

Trying to figure out where you get the cable from? I don’t see them listed as a separate item for purchase, or as included with the breakout?
If anybody has bought a breakout I’d like to know if the cable comes with it?

And how easy or hard it was to get it all working. This would be my first feather project.

For some odd reason Pimoroni don’t stock the cables, I asked about them on Twitter a couple of months ago and the answer was that they’d be coming “soon” but no sign of them yet. This is the Adafruit page for one of them. They don’t come with the breakouts, but e.g. The Pi Hut sells them.

And how easy or hard it was to get it all working. This would be my first feather project.

I’ve bought some but not gotten around to using them yet, but they’re standard i2c so they shouldn’t be too hard to use. Adafruit have a getting started guide with setup suggestions and example scripts.

OK, thanks for that. I was hoping to not have to order them separately from another source and pay shipping costs twice. Plus Adafruit is pretty well shut down now.
If need be I could just solder wires or a header to the other solder pads. I’m going to be using one of those tripler prototyping boards anyway.
I think this will work, sort of kind of. You could plug one end in anyway.

As far as I know JST-PH and JST-SH are different pitches, so they won’t fit. Pimoroni don’t seem to sell any 4-pin JST-SH cables, so if you don’t want to order them from someone else your best bet is probably the 0.1" pin headers.

Ah, thanks for that, will just go with the 0.1 headers then. I do that all the time with other breakouts so no big deal. Might be a while before I pull the trigger on the order anyway. There is one item I want that is “coming soon”.

I got an e-mail from Pimoroni support saying they are in the process of buying some. They are just waiting for them to arrive and once that happens they will be listed in the store.

Ah that’s good, it’ll be a lot more convenient to be able to get everything from the same source.

Yeah, I e-mailed them via the Contact Us link on the shop page inquiring about them. Then made this thread. I’m just hoping the other bits that are “coming soon” show up before something else in my order goes out of stock. There is a Temperature Humidity Stemma board and Pressure Stemma board I want. The Feather I want also shows as 1 left. Fingers crossed, lol.