Fixing inky wHAT burnin

Inky wHAT - the red+black model. For a while I had a display on it with mostly red background, two white rectangles, and some text in them. It’s now got those areas burned in fairly noticeably when the display is white - see picture.

Actually it looks a little worse in this photo than it does in reality. I’ve done a ton of “” runs which has cleared out other ghosting well on other inky displays I’ve got but this seems very persistent.

Is there anything can be done to try to clear this out or even out the problem? Any patterns that can be repeated, maybe align something to those exact areas and do something that jiggle the pigment enough to make a difference?

It’s still usable but it’s an annoyance as it’s such a nice display with the contrast to white, I’ve mostly got darker displays on it now.