Flora plug in not working

Hi - we are trying to use Flora boards and there is no plug in showing up in the Board Manager and we cannot use the plug ins on Create.Arduino.cc because of the firewalls in our location. Do you know where/how we can get the Flora to work on the downloaded IDE. None of the info on the adafruit website is working.

Yikes! This is tricky. I think an internet connection is assumed for making this stuff in Arduino IDE work, and it’s been a long time since I’ve even used it.

Digging into the underbelly of the IDE suggests that it’s basically impossible to piecemeal install boards (well not impossible, but incredibly contrived) since the list of files required is pretty hefty (https://adafruit.github.io/arduino-board-index/package_adafruit_index.json), but someone suggests here (https://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=393434.0) that you could install the Arduno IDE on a computer that can connect to the internet and that isn’t restricted, and then copy the appropriate files over to the ones you’re looking to deploy to.

Something of a faff, but I can’t find another way.

you don’t need an internet connection when working on the downloaded/installed Arduino IDE do you? Your’e talking about create right?

Once it’s downloaded/installed you should be okay. Although if you want to add anything else you’d have to repeat the same procedure of installing elsewhere and copying the files.