Handheld NFC Reader

Hi just joined this community and look forward to sharing details of the SEEDCARD project.

I am currently at an early stage of designing and building a prototype handheld NFC reader. This will be based on the RasPi Zero board and will include the following:

Camera - minimal version with standard lens, plugs into Zero.

Screen - 1.3" 240 x 240 pixels board

Battery - external pack with 3 x AA batteries

NFC - NFC reader for NTAG424 tags

At this stage my main concern is how to integrate the NFC reader with the Zero. Does anyone have any experience of this or suggest the best product?

Ideally i am thinking if i can find a NFC breakout board that uses micro USB for both data and power. Maybe it would be possible to link this to the Zero via the second micro USB port. Does this port supply both data and power?

This, maybe?
PN532 NFC/RFID controller breakout board - v1.6
They are in stock at Adafruit.
PN532 NFC/RFID controller breakout board [v1.6] : ID 364 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits

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Looks good but is there something smaller that has the same form factor as a Zero…