How to use 1.3" SPI Colour LCD (240x240) Breakout with Arduino

And I also set
#define TFT_RST -1 // Or set to -1 and connect to Arduino RESET pin
since there is no reset pin.

Ok, thanks for the reply / info. I thought Arduino, just wasn’t 100% sure.
At some point I’ll be trying some of the Pimoroni breakouts with my PICO.

OK I just tried the display with a Pi Pico and it works, though only using part of the screen (and I think part of the display is off the edge).

I wired it up the same way as the Pico display:
CS to 22
SCK to 24
MOSI to 25
DC to 21

And then BL to 3.3V

3-5V to 3V and GND to ground (of course).

I presume it just needs a bit of tweaking because the part of the screen that is working seems to be working very nicely.

At the moment I don’t intend to use this screen with the Pico so that’s as far as I’m going to go for now.

The PICO Display Pack screen is a 240x135 pixel IPS LCD screen, I’d say its a height width thing. My screen doesn’t have a header on it, and I’m resisting doing that as once I do, I can’t use it in my Breakout Garden Hat.

You can leave the BL unconnected if you want. Grounding it turns off the back light, if its high or floating the back light is on.

Yes clearly there’s a difference in dimensions, but it seems a bit odd that even though one dimension is the same it still seems to have part of the display not showing. Then again I have no idea how the commands work on an ST7789 and it would probably make sense if I did.

Mine came with female headers as shown in the pictures.

I thought that the backlight pin could be left unconnected but followed instructions to connect to 3.3 V and it worked like that so I left it.

I agree, that postage stamp image isn’t what I would have expected. I would have thought it would be full screen in one dimension at least.
Mine came with a header, I just didn’t use it. If I do solder a header on it will be a right angle male so it stands up vertically when plugged into a solderless breadboard.

Hi, just wondering if you did this with python or c? and which lib you used? I’m trying to use pimoroni’s efi and micropython and just dont seem to get anything displaying, unsure of which module to use. Their examples are really not the best documented.

@jaffaboy what display and how is it connected?

I’ve used several of the display breakouts on my PICO, and the floating balls example runs just fine. Pimoroni’s uf2 file, and for the most part PICO Breakout Garden Base.
I’ve used the following on my PICO.
1.54" SPI Color Square LCD (240x240) Breakout and PICO Explorer Base version.
1.3" SPI Color Square LCD (240x240) Breakout
0.96" SPI Color LCD (160x80) Breakout
PICO Display Pack 1.14” 240x135 pixel IPS LCD screen
These are the examples I’m using.
pimoroni-pico/micropython/examples at main · pimoroni/pimoroni-pico (

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Hey, thanks for responding! would you believe it, I look and look, give up and post a message , then an hour later see the library I needed!

I have the 1.3" SPI Color Square LCD (240x240) Breakout, found I needed to use the breakout_colourlcd240x240 package as in
from breakout_colourlcd240x240 import BreakoutColourLCD240x240
…yes it’s so obvious now, I think I was fixated on looking for something with st7789 in it, d’oh

Not finding any docs for the package I delved into the source and saw a number of methods to try out (and what their params were, which rather helps)

I must say it does seem limited; pixel, pixel_span, rectangle, circle and text work, but line and triangle are valid methods but just don’t work. Really odd that a method like line doesn’t work?

I want to use it for now to just display temperature so I’ve got enough for that but was hoping to try displaying a graphic (I see the Rpi libraries support that so probably will use that for more complex things)

I’m running what was posted here, on the 1.54 240 by 240 LCD breakout.
Need Help: Pico weather station guide using the Pico Explorer - Discussion / Learning Resources - Pimoroni Buccaneers
I can swap in the 1.3 240 by 240 LCD breakout and run the same code without any edits.
Just a FYI post.
Tony @Tonygo2 is, IMHO, the display guru around here.
Hel @hel is the one who came up with that code though.

thanks again @alphanumeric, I had a great evening (night!) playing with this, also found an instructable for the picodisplay that was pretty straightforward to alter for the display I have, and this chap had written his own line etc functions. (Pimoroni Pico Display Workout : 3 Steps - Instructables for anyone else who comes across this)

tbh I shouldn’t diss the graphics library, if this was at work I’d be saying “feel free to do a pull request and I’ll consider it” :-P however, my c is rather a distant memory now

Thanks for the linked post - that looks like todays fun thing to look at!

Yeah, that Pico Display Workout is by the same Tony I referred to above. I learned Python on the fly on my Raspberry Pi’s. Going down that same road now with Micro Python on a Pi PICO.
I have a couple of Arduino’s kicking around, My C skills noob level, and so far I haven’t done much on that front.

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Hi @jaffaboy I’ve been working on getting a likeness to the ‘fake’ Explorer screen image. Yes we can do gradients and these are my icons, all easy to re-position. Not quite finished as I’m currently getting high temperatures and low pressure reading from my BME280, May try a different driver.

I’ve changed the font - I like lower case letters!
I will put the final version in an Instructable when finished.
Comments appreciated.

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