Hi, I’ve bought a Pimoroni Audio Pack for the Raspberry Pico, and made some tests in CircuitPython with audio as a drum sampler.
I’ve noticed audio popping very frequently, ie. playing at default 16-bit 44100Khz kick and hi-hat sample. Feels like something about audio buffering issues, it happens 10% of the hits, which is a lot.
Do you have any guess? Can I help providing more info?
Here’s the kick.wav, and hat.wav
The code is pretty straightforward,
audio = audiobusio.I2SOut(board.GP10, board.GP11, board.GP9)
mixer = audiomixer.Mixer(voice_count=8, sample_rate=44100, channel_count=1)
kick = audiocore.WaveFile(open("dr55/kick.wav", "rb"))
hh = audiocore.WaveFile(open("dr55/hat.wav", "rb"))
while True
tick = 0
if tick % 2 == 0:
mixer.voice[1].level = 0.1
if tick % 8 == 0:
mixer.voice[0].level = 0.1
tick += 1