I have the Pimoroni ICM20948 9DoF Motion Sensor and have used a code from https://ozzmaker.com/ which out puts readings from the compass and Accelerometer it also corrects tilt compensation. Whilst the code runs and the readings seem accurate enough I had to omit setting as I couldn’t find them. Hopefully you can help.
How do these relate to my board.
#Calculate the new tilt compensated values
#The compass and accelerometer are orientated differently on the the BerryIMUv1, v2 and v3.
#This needs to be taken into consideration when performing the calculations
#X compensation
#if(IMU.BerryIMUversion == 1 or IMU.BerryIMUversion == 3): #LSM9DS0 and (LSM6DSL & LIS2MDL)
#magXcomp = MAGx*math.cos(pitch)+MAGz*math.sin(pitch)
#else: #LSM9DS1
#magXcomp = MAGx*math.cos(pitch)-MAGz*math.sin(pitch)
Also is this correct?
G_GAIN = 0.070 # [deg/s/LSB] If you change the dps for gyro, you need to update this value accordingly
How do I find these? Is there a python command I can use?
################# Compass Calibration values ############
Use calibrateBerryIMU.py to get calibration values
Calibrating the compass isnt mandatory, however a calibrated
compass will result in a more accurate heading values.
magXmin = 0
magYmin = 0
magZmin = 0
magXmax = 0
magYmax = 0
magZmax = 0
And finally how do I access the temp.
Blow is the amended Code.
import time
import math
from icm20948 import ICM20948
import datetime
import os
import sys
RAD_TO_DEG = 57.29578
M_PI = 3.14159265358979323846
G_GAIN = 0.070 # [deg/s/LSB] If you change the dps for gyro, you need to update this value accordingly
AA = 0.40 # Complementary filter constant
################# Compass Calibration values ############
Use calibrateBerryIMU.py to get calibration values
Calibrating the compass isnt mandatory, however a calibrated
compass will result in a more accurate heading values.
magXmin = 0
magYmin = 0
magZmin = 0
magXmax = 0
magYmax = 0
magZmax = 0
Here is an example:
magXmin = -1748
magYmin = -1025
magZmin = -1876
magXmax = 959
magYmax = 1651
magZmax = 708
Dont use the above values, these are just an example.
############### END Calibration offsets #################
gyroXangle = 0.0
gyroYangle = 0.0
gyroZangle = 0.0
CFangleX = 0.0
CFangleY = 0.0
IMU = ICM20948()
a = datetime.datetime.now()
while True:
#Read the accelerometer,gyroscope and magnetometer values
x, y, z = IMU.read_magnetometer_data()
ax, ay, az, gx, gy, gz = IMU.read_accelerometer_gyro_data()
#Apply compass calibration
x -= (magXmin + magXmax) /2
y -= (magYmin + magYmax) /2
z -= (magZmin + magZmax) /2
##Calculate loop Period(LP). How long between Gyro Reads
b = datetime.datetime.now() - a
a = datetime.datetime.now()
LP = b.microseconds/(1000000*1.0)
outputString = "Loop Time %5.2f " % ( LP )
#Convert Gyro raw to degrees per second
gx = gx * G_GAIN
gy = gy * G_GAIN
gz = gz * G_GAIN
#Calculate the angles from the gyro.
#Convert Accelerometer values to degrees
ax = (math.atan2(ay,az)*RAD_TO_DEG)
ay= (math.atan2(az,ax)+M_PI)*RAD_TO_DEG
#convert the values to -180 and +180
if ay > 90:
ay -= 270.0
ay += 90.0
#Complementary filter used to combine the accelerometer and gyro values.
CFangleX=AA*(CFangleX+gx*LP) +(1 - AA) * ax
CFangleY=AA*(CFangleY+gy*LP) +(1 - AA) * ax
#Calculate heading
heading = 180 * math.atan2(y,x)/M_PI
#Only have our heading between 0 and 360
if heading < 0:
heading += 360
###################Tilt compensated heading#########################
#Normalize accelerometer raw values.
axnorm = ax/math.sqrt(ax * ax + ay * ay + az * az)
aynorm = ay/math.sqrt(ax * ax + ay * ay + az * az)
#Calculate pitch and roll
pitch = math.asin(axnorm)
roll = -math.asin(aynorm/math.cos(pitch))
#Calculate the new tilt compensated values
#The compass and accelerometer are orientated differently on the the BerryIMUv1, v2 and v3.
#This needs to be taken into consideration when performing the calculations
#X compensation
#if(IMU.BerryIMUversion == 1 or IMU.BerryIMUversion == 3): #LSM9DS0 and (LSM6DSL & LIS2MDL)
#magXcomp = MAGx*math.cos(pitch)+MAGz*math.sin(pitch)
#else: #LSM9DS1
#magXcomp = MAGx*math.cos(pitch)-MAGz*math.sin(pitch)
#Y compensation
#if(IMU.BerryIMUversion == 1 or IMU.BerryIMUversion == 3): #LSM9DS0 and (LSM6DSL & LIS2MDL)
#magYcomp = MAGx*math.sin(roll)*math.sin(pitch)+MAGy*math.cos(roll)-MAGz*math.sin(roll)*math.cos(pitch)
#else: #LSM9DS1
#magYcomp = MAGx*math.sin(roll)*math.sin(pitch)+MAGy*math.cos(roll)+MAGz*math.sin(roll)*math.cos(pitch)
#Calculate tilt compensated heading
tiltCompensatedHeading = 180 * math.atan2(y,x)/M_PI
if tiltCompensatedHeading < 0:
tiltCompensatedHeading += 360
##################### END Tilt Compensation ########################
if 1: #Change to '0' to stop showing the angles from the accelerometer
outputString += "# ax Angle %5.2f ay Angle %5.2f # " % (ax, ay)
if 0: #Change to '0' to stop showing the angles from the gyro
outputString +="\t# gx Angle %5.2f gy Angle %5.2f GYRZ Angle %5.2f # " % (gx,gy,gz)
if 0: #Change to '0' to stop showing the angles from the complementary filter
outputString +="\t# CFangleX Angle %5.2f CFangleY Angle %5.2f #" % (CFangleX,CFangleY)
if 1: #Change to '0' to stop showing the heading
outputString +="\t# HEADING %5.2f tiltCompensatedHeading %5.2f #" % (heading,tiltCompensatedHeading)
#slow program down a bit, makes the output more readable
tolerance = 10 # How many degrees from exact to match
isNorth = False
isSouth = False
if (heading >= 360 - 10) or (heading <= 0 + 10):
# Pointing north
if not isNorth:
# This runs once each time you start facing north
# This runs each loop while pointing north
isNorth = True
isSouth = False
elif (heading >= 180 - 10) and (heading <= 180 + 10):
# Pointing south
if not isSouth:
# This runs once each time you start facing south
# This runs each loop while pointing south
isNorth = False
isSouth = True
# Not pointing at any of the above
isNorth = False