ICM20948 9DoF Motion Sensor Breakout help

I have the Pimoroni ICM20948 9DoF Motion Sensor and have used a code from https://ozzmaker.com/ which out puts readings from the compass and Accelerometer it also corrects tilt compensation. Whilst the code runs and the readings seem accurate enough I had to omit setting as I couldn’t find them. Hopefully you can help.

How do these relate to my board.

#Calculate the new tilt compensated values
#The compass and accelerometer are orientated differently on the the BerryIMUv1, v2 and v3.
#This needs to be taken into consideration when performing the calculations

#X compensation
#if(IMU.BerryIMUversion == 1 or IMU.BerryIMUversion == 3):            #LSM9DS0 and (LSM6DSL & LIS2MDL)
    #magXcomp = MAGx*math.cos(pitch)+MAGz*math.sin(pitch)
    #else:                                                                #LSM9DS1
        #magXcomp = MAGx*math.cos(pitch)-MAGz*math.sin(pitch)

Also is this correct?
G_GAIN = 0.070 # [deg/s/LSB] If you change the dps for gyro, you need to update this value accordingly

How do I find these? Is there a python command I can use?

################# Compass Calibration values ############

Use calibrateBerryIMU.py to get calibration values

Calibrating the compass isnt mandatory, however a calibrated

compass will result in a more accurate heading values.

magXmin = 0
magYmin = 0
magZmin = 0
magXmax = 0
magYmax = 0
magZmax = 0

And finally how do I access the temp.

Blow is the amended Code.


import time
import math
from icm20948 import ICM20948
import datetime
import os
import sys

RAD_TO_DEG = 57.29578
M_PI = 3.14159265358979323846
G_GAIN = 0.070 # [deg/s/LSB] If you change the dps for gyro, you need to update this value accordingly
AA = 0.40 # Complementary filter constant

################# Compass Calibration values ############

Use calibrateBerryIMU.py to get calibration values

Calibrating the compass isnt mandatory, however a calibrated

compass will result in a more accurate heading values.

magXmin = 0
magYmin = 0
magZmin = 0
magXmax = 0
magYmax = 0
magZmax = 0

Here is an example:
magXmin = -1748
magYmin = -1025
magZmin = -1876
magXmax = 959
magYmax = 1651
magZmax = 708
Dont use the above values, these are just an example.
############### END Calibration offsets #################

gyroXangle = 0.0
gyroYangle = 0.0
gyroZangle = 0.0
CFangleX = 0.0
CFangleY = 0.0

IMU = ICM20948()

a = datetime.datetime.now()

while True:
#Read the accelerometer,gyroscope and magnetometer values
x, y, z = IMU.read_magnetometer_data()
ax, ay, az, gx, gy, gz = IMU.read_accelerometer_gyro_data()

#Apply compass calibration
    x -= (magXmin + magXmax) /2
    y -= (magYmin + magYmax) /2
    z -= (magZmin + magZmax) /2

##Calculate loop Period(LP). How long between Gyro Reads
    b = datetime.datetime.now() - a
    a = datetime.datetime.now()
    LP = b.microseconds/(1000000*1.0)
    outputString = "Loop Time %5.2f " % ( LP )

#Convert Gyro raw to degrees per second
    gx =  gx * G_GAIN
    gy =  gy * G_GAIN
    gz =  gz * G_GAIN

#Calculate the angles from the gyro.

#Convert Accelerometer values to degrees
    ax =  (math.atan2(ay,az)*RAD_TO_DEG)
    ay=  (math.atan2(az,ax)+M_PI)*RAD_TO_DEG

#convert the values to -180 and +180
    if ay > 90:
        ay -= 270.0
        ay += 90.0

#Complementary filter used to combine the accelerometer and gyro values.
    CFangleX=AA*(CFangleX+gx*LP) +(1 - AA) * ax
    CFangleY=AA*(CFangleY+gy*LP) +(1 - AA) * ax

#Calculate heading
    heading = 180 * math.atan2(y,x)/M_PI

#Only have our heading between 0 and 360
    if heading < 0:
        heading += 360

###################Tilt compensated heading#########################
#Normalize accelerometer raw values.
    axnorm = ax/math.sqrt(ax * ax + ay * ay + az * az)
    aynorm = ay/math.sqrt(ax * ax + ay * ay + az * az)

#Calculate pitch and roll
    pitch = math.asin(axnorm)
    roll = -math.asin(aynorm/math.cos(pitch))

#Calculate the new tilt compensated values
#The compass and accelerometer are orientated differently on the the BerryIMUv1, v2 and v3.
#This needs to be taken into consideration when performing the calculations

#X compensation
#if(IMU.BerryIMUversion == 1 or IMU.BerryIMUversion == 3):            #LSM9DS0 and (LSM6DSL & LIS2MDL)
    #magXcomp = MAGx*math.cos(pitch)+MAGz*math.sin(pitch)
    #else:                                                                #LSM9DS1
        #magXcomp = MAGx*math.cos(pitch)-MAGz*math.sin(pitch)

#Y compensation
    #if(IMU.BerryIMUversion == 1 or IMU.BerryIMUversion == 3):            #LSM9DS0 and (LSM6DSL & LIS2MDL)
        #magYcomp = MAGx*math.sin(roll)*math.sin(pitch)+MAGy*math.cos(roll)-MAGz*math.sin(roll)*math.cos(pitch)
    #else:                                                                #LSM9DS1
        #magYcomp = MAGx*math.sin(roll)*math.sin(pitch)+MAGy*math.cos(roll)+MAGz*math.sin(roll)*math.cos(pitch)

#Calculate tilt compensated heading
    tiltCompensatedHeading = 180 * math.atan2(y,x)/M_PI

    if tiltCompensatedHeading < 0:
        tiltCompensatedHeading += 360

##################### END Tilt Compensation ########################

    if 1:                       #Change to '0' to stop showing the angles from the accelerometer
        outputString += "#  ax Angle %5.2f ay Angle %5.2f  #  " % (ax, ay)

    if 0:                       #Change to '0' to stop  showing the angles from the gyro
        outputString +="\t# gx Angle %5.2f  gy Angle %5.2f  GYRZ Angle %5.2f # " % (gx,gy,gz)

    if 0:                       #Change to '0' to stop  showing the angles from the complementary filter
        outputString +="\t#  CFangleX Angle %5.2f   CFangleY Angle %5.2f  #" % (CFangleX,CFangleY)

    if 1:                       #Change to '0' to stop  showing the heading
        outputString +="\t# HEADING %5.2f  tiltCompensatedHeading %5.2f #" % (heading,tiltCompensatedHeading)


#slow program down a bit, makes the output more readable

    tolerance = 10     # How many degrees from exact to match
    isNorth = False
    isSouth = False
    if (heading >= 360 - 10) or (heading <= 0 + 10):
    # Pointing north
        if not isNorth:
        # This runs once each time you start facing north
    # This runs each loop while pointing north
         isNorth = True
         isSouth = False
    elif (heading >= 180 - 10) and (heading <= 180 + 10):
    # Pointing south
        if not isSouth:
    # This runs once each time you start facing south
    # This runs each loop while pointing south
         isNorth = False
         isSouth = True
    # Not pointing at any of the above
         isNorth = False

I can’t help with your issue but just FYI, code tags are 3 ` before and after your block of code. Put those in and it will retail your indents etc and stop the bold text etc. ;)

You’re probably better off asking the BerryIMU people, they’ll know how their code works and what needs tweaked.

As far as this goes:

#The compass and accelerometer are orientated differently on the the BerryIMUv1, v2 and v3.
#This needs to be taken into consideration when performing the calculations

I don’t think the BErryIMUs have an ICM20948, so it’s hard to know exactly what settings you’d need to use for that accelerator without knowing how they’d designed their software to work. Again, whoever wrote the Berry code would know much more about what you do/don’t need to change.