The following code should be copied to a text file named “” and saved in the /lib folder on your device
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Nox Ferocia
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
Unified Macro Handler (/lib/
Written in Adafruit Circuit Python for
SOFTWARE: adafruit_hid Library
Provides a composite of the default adafruit_hid interfacces,
macro handlers to simplfiy coding / macro writing, and an
extensible framework for additional custom macro handlers
import usb_hid
from adafruit_hid.keyboard import Keyboard
from adafruit_hid.keyboard_layout_us import KeyboardLayoutUS
from adafruit_hid.consumer_control import ConsumerControl
from adafruit_hid.Mouse import Mouse
class HIDPool( object ):
Composite Pool of all default adafruit_hid interfaces
.key: adafruit_hid.keyboard.Keyboard
.media: adafruit_hid.consumer_control.ConsumerControl
.mouse: adafruit_hid.mouse.Mouse
.text: adafruit_hid.keyboard_layout_us.KeyboardLayoutUS
key = Keyboard( usb_hid.devices )
media = ConsumerControl( usb_hid.devices )
mouse = Mouse( usb_hid.devices )
text = KeyboardLayoutUS( key )
# Workaround for bad assumption in adafruit_hid.keyboard.Keyboard.send
def parse_mod_plus( *macro_data ) -> None:
Presses modifier keys, sends regular
keys individually, releases modifer keys
macro_data Format:
modifer, ..., flag, regular, ...
modifer: integer, key code, 1-5 modifiers, eg ALT
flag: string, "MOD_PLUS", exactly
regular: integer, key code, 1+ additional keys, eg F4
_held_flag = True
for _key_code in macro_data:
if "MOD+" == _key_code:
_held_flag = False
if _held_flag: _key_code )
else: _key_code )
HIDPool.key.release( _key_code )
for _key_code in reversed( macro_data ):
if "MOD+" == _key_code:
_held_flag = True
if _held_flag:
HIDPool.key.release( _key_code )
# Workaround for bad assumption in adafruit_hid.keyboard_layout_us.KeyboardLayoutUS.write
def parse_utf16( target_platform, utf16_code ) -> None:
Sends keystrokes to enter a UTF16 character on the target platform
"NIX": ChromeOS / Linux, "WIN":windows xp+, "MAC": MAcOS 8.5+
Windows and MacOS both require enabling Unicode Hex entry for this to work
target_platform: string, "NIX", "WIN", "MAC"
utf16_code: string, 4 hexadecimal digits
See Also:
if "NIX" == target_platform: 0xE4, 0xE5, 0x18 )
HIDPool.key.release( 0x18 )
elif "WIN" == target_platform: 0xE6 ) 0x57 )
HIDPool.key.release( 0x57 )
elif "MAC" == target_platform: 0xE2 )
for _hex_digit in utf16_code:
# Use last index returned for safety with capitlized hex
_hex_keycode = HIDPool.text.keycodes( _hex_digit )[-1] _hex_keycode )
HIDPool.key.release( _hex_keycode )
if "MAC" == target_platform:
HIDPool.key.release( 0xE2 )
elif "WIN" == target_platform:
HIDPool.key.release( 0xE6 )
elif "NIX" == target_platform:
HIDPool.key.release( 0xE5, 0xE4 )
def parse_mouse_select( mouse_buttons, x_axis, y_axis, scroll ) -> None:
Presses specified mouse buttons, moves/scrolls mouse, releases mouse buttons
mouse_buttons: integer, sum of desired buttons, (1:left, 2:right, 4:middle)
x_axis: integer, +right/-left, 0-127, horizontal axis movement
y_axis: integer, +up/-down, 0-127, vertical axis movement
scroll: integer, +up/-down, 0-127, scroll wheel movement
''' mouse_buttons )
HIDPool.mouse.move( x_axis, y_axis, scroll )
HIDPool.mouse.release( mouse_buttons )
_macro_parsers = {
"MOD+": parse_mod_plus,
"UTF16": parse_utf16,
"MOUSE SELECT": parse_mouse_select,
class MacroHandler( HIDPool ):
Composite aggregator class for sending HID macros
# TODO: potentially move attributes here
def __init__( self, parser_dictionary = _macro_parsers ) -> None:
Adds dictionary of parser functions to the instance
Creates aliases to aggregate HID communications
parser_dictionary: dictionary, {"parser id": parser_function, ...}
self.__internal_parsers = {
"KEY": self.key.send,
"MOUSE MOVE": self.mouse.move,
"TEXT": self.text.write,
self.__external_parsers = parser_dictionary
def send_macro( self, macro_container ) -> None:
Checks type of macro container and processes accordingly.
macro_container Format: (either of)
List: [("PARSER_ID", PARSER_MACRO), ...]
macro: tuple, ( "PARSER_ID", PARSER_MACRO )
"PARSER_ID": string, id of a parser
PARSER_MACRO: varies, see related function
For builtin parser IDs SEE ALSO:
KEY: adafruit_hid.keyboard.Keyboard.send
MEDIA: adafruit_hid.consumer_control.ConsumerControl.send
MOUSE_CLICK: adafruit_hid.mouse.Mouse.send
MOUSE_MOVE: adafruit_hid.mouse.Mouse.move
TEXT: adafruit_hid.keyboard_layout_us.KeyboardLayoutUS.write
if tuple == type( macro_container ):
macro_container = [macro_container]
for _macro in macro_container:
if _macro[ self.MACRO_TYPE ] in self.__internal_parsers:
self.__internal_parsers[ _macro[ self.MACRO_TYPE ] ]( *_macro[ self.MACRO_DATA: ] )
elif _macro[ self.MACRO_TYPE ] in self.__external_parsers:
self.__external_parsers[ _macro[ self.MACRO_TYPE ] ]( *_macro[ self.MACRO_DATA: ] )
def get_handler_list( self ) -> list:
Dictionary, {Parser id, function} pairs
return sorted( self.__internal_parsers ) + sorted( self.__external_parsers.copy() )
def add_handler( self, new_id, new_function, override = False ) -> bool:
Adds a new external parser to the dictionary
new_id: string, id for parser function
new_function: function name, without ()
override: boolean, optional, True to replace preexisting id
"KEY", "MEDIA", "MOUSE_CLICK", "MOUSE_MOVE", & "TEXT" cannot be added/overridden
boolean, True if successful, False if denied
if new_id in self.__internal_parsers or (new_id in self.__external_parsers and not override):
return False
self.__external_parsers[new_id] = new_function
return True
def del_handler( self, remove_id ) -> bool:
Removes an external parser from the dictionary
remove_id: string, id of a parser in the dictionary
boolean, True if removed, False otherwise
"KEY", "MEDIA", "MOUSE_CLICK", "MOUSE_MOVE", & "TEXT" cannot be removed
if remove_id not in self.__external_parsers:
return False
self.__external_parsers.pop( remove_id )
return True
Where you would normally write:
import usb_hid
from adafruit_hid.keyboard import Keyboard
from adafruit_hid.keyboard_layout_us import KeyboardLayoutUS
from adafruit_hid.consumer_control import ConsumerControl
from adafruit_hid.Mouse import Mouse
keyboard = Keyboard( usb_hid.devices )
layout = KeyboardLayoutUS( keyboard )
consumer_control = ConsumerControl( usb_hid.devices )
mouse = Mouse( usb_hid.devices )
you can now just write:
from macro_handler import MacroHandler
macro_comm = MacroHandler()
The basic hid functions can be accessed from
- macro_comm.key → (all the keyboard methods)
- → (all the consumer control methods)
- macro_comm.mouse → (all the mouse methods)
- macro_comm.text → (all the layout methods)
all of which can be used to write your own custom functions
The handler is the star of the show though. It lets you write macros containers like
(macro_type, macro_data)
# or
[(first_macro_type, first_macro_data), (second_macro_type, second_macro_data), ...]
and send them with
macro_comm.send_macro( macro_container )
and here’s an example you can try from Mu, Thonny, or your REPL of choice
from adafruit_hid.keycode import Keycode as key_code # to make key codes easier to look up
from macro_handler import MacroHandler
macro_comm = MacroHandler()
macro_comm.send_macro( [("TEXT", "o/ There is one thing I must say to you"), ("KEY", key_code.ENTER), ("TEXT", "As you sail across the sea o/")] )