Just bought a PI TV HAT, fitted to Raspberry PI 2B, innstalled Raspian Buster from sctratch, set up with TV Headend as per guide and tuned into London, Crystal Palace Tx. All channels listed on EPG. So far so good.
Rebooted PI and opened TV Headend on another networked PC, selected ‘Watch TV’ and BBC ONE Lon, Live TV Player window opens and then either: message “An unknown error occurred” apears after 5-15 seconds
picture and sound appears with interruptions of 1-2 seconds every 5-10 seconds and after a few minutes, the player crashes as above.
This has been repeated with another new PI installation and also again on a PI 3B.
It would seem that the PI 2B and 3B has insufficient processing power despite claims that even a PI Zero can operate as a Headend server. Can anybody help as to where I go from here please.
I have a very similar problem using a Pi 3B+ and Buster.
I think the problem is that I have not picked the transmitter that my aerial points at and need to rescan on a different transmitter.
I cannot see how to do this apart from clearing the SD card and starting over again by re-installing the OS and tvheadend - quite time consuming!
Thanks for the reply Tonygo2, I’d almost given up as I haven’t seen any other posts describing anything similar.
As far as which transmitter I receive from, Crystal Palace, (London) is the main transmitter for London and the south-east. I have a multi-channel 10-way distribution amplifier and the signal level at the tuner input is -47.8dBm. I have made three fresh installations, the first and current on a Pi2B and the second on a Pi3B. Each time the TVheadend performs the same way, both as local and server entities.
All other operation of the Pi are normal, i.e, I can play 1080p video on you tube etc.
In some ways I’m glad that I’m not alone with this problem but I would like a solution.
I tried setting everything up again with Jessie to see if it was the new OS. Just the same stop/start. The signal strength to the TVHAT is good.
I will try the RaspPi Forum.
See here: https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=38&t=258564&p=1576442#p1576442
Best of luck
Reply from Pi Forum. We need to use KODI.
Hope this helps
I’ve got it all working beautifully.
I’ve got a dual booting NOOBS SD card with Raspbian and LibreELEC.
I installed tvheadend into KODI from the Kodi repro and set up the EPG - cannot remember how I did it but it works. Good full screen broadcasts without any skipping and the recorder works from the EPG.
You can play back the files within KODI or use the Raspian OS to copy the recorded programs via a USB stick to another location. They play back perfectly on my Windows PC. (LibreELEC OS is so minimal that I cannot see how to move/transfer files with it.)
It can be done but I wish there were better, step by step guides/documentation on how to use KODI.