No sound output after AlexaPi install

I have no sound output after installing AlexaPi on a Raspberry Pi Zero with PHAT DAC. Can anyone guide me? Am I doing something wrong?

Thank you!

hello, it most likely you lost the install needed to run phat dac when you install alexapi ,did you check the the help offered on github where you the alexapi at , it offers some tips to fix it ,it likely you will not beable to use the pHAT Dac with it …

also try plugging headphones or a speaker into the Pi’s 3.5 audio out

Hey Jack, the Pi Zero doesn’t have a head phone jack. ;)
One of the cost cutting measures to keep the cost so low.
And no room for it anyway.
You should get sound via the HDMI if its a TV or monitor with built in speakers that aren’t analog.

If I read that right, Alexa installs into Raspbian. The fix may be as easy as clicking the speaker icon on the desktop and seeing what is set as the audio device. And setting it back to the DAC instead of HDMI etc. Worth a look see anyway.

of course it dosn’t ,lol ,brain fart of the day

this i just got from there github page , needed , * external speaker with 3.5mm Jack

  • USB Sound Dongle and microphone

I think every other Pi has analog audio so thats an easy mistake to make, I almost missed where he said he was using a Zero.

The Alexa install may have just set the audio out to analog, as you’d likely be running it headless with no monitor. So it “might” be an easy fix.

they are trying to use the phat dac,and it likely not install and isn’t going to work for what they want ,the github page ,suggest a usb sound device ,ithey need to check the debugging sound issues script

i was going to install it and check it out ,but it more work than i want to do to-day,lol

and as always ,I could be wrong about what happening :)

If Alexa is installed on top of Raspbian, I think its doable.
If Alexa is a stand alone install like you say, probably won’t install or work.

I tried installing it ,it installs ontop of raspbian ,it popped up on the screen but didnt stay ,i used blaster ,so ill try older raspbian tonight maybe