I was wanting to know if the Pan-Tilt Hat was compatible with Servo Blaster software?
Yes, it works. I am running two servos (pan&tilt) under Servoblaster. I am using arrow keys for left-right up-down control. Hitting “p” key takes a snapshot and hitting “Home” brings servos back to mid position.
Pan-Tilt HAT has its own onboard servo controller which the servos are connected to in lieu of GPIO pins, so it’ll work alongside Servo Blaster, but it wont work with Servo Blaster.
Thanks for the reply, what other software are you using? I am wanting it to run with RpiWebCam and it is telling me to use Servoblaster
I am wanting it to run with RpiWebCam and it is telling me to use Servoblaster
I am curious to try RPiWebCam. Could you please guide me to the right website so I can investigate which features it offers.
Thanks you
This thread might be useful: #HELP# building an Pan-Tilt Webinterface for Pimoroni Pan-Tilt HAT FULL KIT with Webcam Server