Picadehat apt failed?

Hi - just finished my build of a Picade 10", and it’s gone relatively well although now struggling with installing the picadehat script

When running the command “curl https://get.pimoroni.com/picadehat | bash”, I get prompted to continue then after a few seconds of loading I’ve got an error of failed to fetch, and some mention of forbidden IP?

the end result error is ‘apt failed to update indexes’

I can’t understand why the IP would be blocked, have tried wired and wireless and also tried to connect to a hotspot on my phone so not sure why this isn’t working?

Any suggestions gratefully received :)

OK think I’m now good, seems I had something I needed to remove from the image I have been using (a pippleware.list file).

Removing that seems to let me update, so hopefully the rest will work!