this might be a very easy question for some of you. My RasPi PICO shows the following warning on the shell of Thonny Python IDE:
WARNING: Could not sync device’s clock: can’t import name RTC WARNING: Could not validate time: can’t import name RTC MicroPython v1.14 on 2021-02-05; Raspberry Pi Pico with RP2040 Type “help()” for more information.
I noticed this warning was mentioned in one of the previous topics. However, in the other case it was connected to a malfunctioning of the pico. I have not experienced any malfunction … so far.
Does anybody has an idea how to get rid off this warning?
Thanks in advance and party down (;
p.s. I did read the help() page … wasn’t helpful … at least for me (;
it’s nothing special. I am just trying some stuff from the RPI_PiPico_Digital_v10.pdf Handbook. On page 48 the following code is just one of the once I tried:
import machine
import utime
led_onboard = machine.Pin(25, machine.Pin.OUT)
while True:
Then Again, I am not sure if it has something to do with the code I use. Actually, the warning appears after installing the bootloader (rp2-pico-20210219-unstable-v1.14-72-gd28dbcd6c.uf2). Is there a way to set the clock ⏱ ?
I had Thonny 's interpreter selected as the MicroPython Generic (indicated in the righthand corner bottom of Thonny 3.3.6 work area.
After I re-selected the Micropython(Raspberry Pi Pico) and reloading the shell with the stop icon, those two messages referring to the RTC , disappeared.
This interpreter change should work.
I have used the latest .uf2 Micropython firmware dated 18 March 2021 from the Micropython web uploaded to my Pi Pico board.
Used firmware for the Raspberry Pi Pico: