Pico Micropython Image

Any word when the MicroPython image (or indeed built python libraries) will become available for the Raspberry Pi Pico?

Bit of a shame that your product pages promise a linked Python image, and when I recieve the goods and go to download it, it can’t be found.

You’re usually pretty good at this stuff, so I’m not sure if I’m missing something this time round - even if I am missing an apology that you’ve not done it in time.


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Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Pico – Raspberry Pi

There is a getting started with Micro Python link, that links to the UF2 file.

That’s the Rasbperry Pi one - not the one with the libraries for your “packs” baked in, as promised on all the product pages (except the Audio one)

Just FYI, I don’t work for or have any affiliation with Pimoroni. I’m just an enthusiast.

pimoroni/pimoroni-pico: Libraries and examples to support Pimoroni Pico add-ons in C++ and MicroPython. (github.com)

Ah, ok. Well it’s still not there unfortunately. It’s linked to from all the product pages and as I’m sure you’re aware it’s rare for Pimoroni to not deliver on this sort of thing.

What Add On are you looking for the image for?

They should all be bundled in one image. Someone from Pimoroni needs to look at this as they’re definitely not there.

You’ve lost me now? The individual images are here.
pimoroni-pico/libraries at main · pimoroni/pimoroni-pico (github.com)
Why would you want them all in one image? I personally wouldn’t, I’d only want what I need for my one addon. I only ever install libraries for hardware I actually have connected.

Kerry, I am looking for a uf2 file as mentioned on all product pages for the pico packs, as well as the how to use MicroPython in the GitHub repo.

That file is meant to contain MicroPython as well as all the packages for Pimoroni’s packs.

Not related to what you would or wouldn’t do, but what Pimoroni have said they would do but haven’t.

The link to the UF2 file you need to get Micro Python on the Pico is in my first post. Along with the instructions on how to drag and drop it to the Pico.
And instructions are linked from the Pimoroni product page.
pimoroni-pico/setting-up-micropython.md at main · pimoroni/pimoroni-pico (github.com)
With a link to this.
Releases · pimoroni/pimoroni-pico (github.com)

And the link to the libraries and examples is in the following post.

Sorry Kerry, you’re still pointing at something unrelated to what I’m talking about. Maybe you need to consider that sometimes by trying to help but not reading what I wrote or the product pages in question you are in fact hindering.

The file has now appeared here:

It seems there was a bug.

Pimoroni probably should have posted to let people know they had pulled the previous release.

I must have misunderstood what you were looking for? I took “MicroPython Image” to mean the image to get Micro Python on the Pico. And the libraries were where I linked to? Anyway, hopefully you have what you need now and can start playing with your Pico.

It is still a MicroPython image, but one with all the Pimoroni libraries baked in. It was referred and linked to from all the product pages (at the time of my initial posting, the link is now removed) as well as the GitHub how to and led to a 404 page.

It was advertised as being the very easy way to get it all running on your Pico, hence my disappointment that the links led to a 404.

But equally, reading one of the product pages at the time of my original question (or the person who asked last night and you replied to) would have garnered you this information and made your replies more helpful.

In the Issues section of the Git repo one of the Pimoroni staff said:

The SDK and MicroPython port were in constant flux prior to release and even now have bugs and issues. Pico is going to have a rocky start I’m afraid. The product pages may be a touch optimistic. We’ll get there.

So they seem to be having some issues with it.

But equally, reading one of the product pages at the time of my original question (or the person who asked last night and you replied to) would have garnered you this information and made your replies more helpful.

At the same time, the second link which @alphanumeric posted was the link to the correct Git repo where the UF2 should have been/was, and it was hardly their fault that Pimoroni seem to have temporarily pulled it.

Yes, they said there would be bugs - but no comment about the files being unavailable at all.

And yes, the file should have been in that repo, but it wasn’t, and while it is not Kerry’s fault that the file had been pulled by Pimoroni, telling me that it was all definitely there rather than checking what I was talking about isn’t very helpful either. Too eager to be helpful can unfortunately become unhelpful.

oh, how I want to say something but I won’t :)

Don’t worry about it Jack, like water off a ducks back.

I’ve got 2 Picos, a Pico display and a Pico Explorer.

Wonderful hardware but a tad more information and guidance would help.

I’ve got the 100 balls demo working on the Pico display and I’m delighted with the speed.

However, when I run it on the Pico explorer it does not fill the display. The active window sits centrally on the bottom of the screen surrounded by random pixels. I’m not sure why as lines 4 and 5 are supposed to obtain the width and height of the active display.


What pins are buttons/switches A, B, X and Y connected to?

What pins control the RGB?

Where can I find the syntax for the graphics commands?

I assume you can draw more than filled circles. (Single pixels, lines, rectangles, filled and outline?)

How do you put text on the screen? Can you change the size and colour?

How do you use the Breakout ports and make sounds?

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I was in the same boat last night @Tonygo2 , so I tried to document it here.

What pins are buttons/switches A, B, X and Y connected to?

They’ve now put a pinout diagram on the shop page, which says 16,17,19 and 20. RGB is 10,11 and 12.

Where can I find the syntax for the graphics commands?

As far as I can see I got them all in the documentation I linked. Let me know if anything isn’t clear.

I assume you can draw more than filled circles. (Single pixels, lines, rectangles, filled and outline?)

Single pixels, filled circles, filled squares, and single-pixel horizontal lines for now, though on the Git repo they’re talking about expanding it I think.

How do you put text on the screen? Can you change the size and colour?

Yes and yes! Again, check the docs, happy to clarify anything.

I’m afraid I’ve not looked into the Explorer yet, I don’t have one.

EDIT: The breakout ports on the Explorer are for Pimoroni’s Breakout Garden series of boards, you’ll probably need to wait until the drivers for those get updated.

check out v0.05 ( Release v0.0.5 Alpha · pimoroni/pimoroni-pico · GitHub ) got some new explorer stuff in.I changed the balls example from

import picodisplay as display


import picoexplorer as display

and it uses all the screen now :)