Pimoroni Website not loading on chrome

I feel like I should apologize in advance, because I realize this forum is for technical issues with products, not with the website, and I’m sure the answer to this is going to be so simple and obvious. So… I’m sorry.

Here is my problem. When I visit Pimoroni on Chrome, the website does not resolve fully. Any time I try and look at a product, I get a page that looks like the following, with the cateogory listed, but no products listed. It also seems to happen in Explorer. I am at work right now … it is possible that my work servers are blocking some kind of script that runs on these pages? See image:

I think it must be an issue with your work servers, it’s loading OK for me (using Chrome)


I get the same at work via IE, but it works via Edge. It also works for me from home via Chrome (where I’m typing this now, just double-checked).

If you have it, try Edge at work and see if that works. But it does sound like a local issue rather than a site one.