I wanted to share my first steps with you guys in creating a GUI for Presto in order to interact with it.
Idea is to have a simple nested menu structure showing as a menu bar on the bottom and extending as a menu entry is pressed.
The initial element of an array represents the header and the following entries are the menu items to be selected from. Thus it can be nested along the way. Regular selectable entries are written in grey, further sub menus are then indicated by the entry written in white colored font.
Along the way, I have also played around with background lightning for visual notification purposes as well as sound confirmation using the buzzer. Very rudimentary and just showing that it works.
The UI also presents simple notifications to interact with the user, showing error or status messages.
Maybe this looks a bit confuse as of now, but this is more or less to be seen as a proof of concept rather than final…still work in progress and quite some fun…
Am I mistaken or is it not possible to upload a video?
Happy to receive your thoughts and possible usage scenarios…