RetroPie I2S Audio problem

I apologize if this is repeated, but I couldn’t find it. My setup: RaspberryPi 3A+, hdmi out to Pimoroni 8" LVDS board (display), audio pins soldered from Pimoroni to Adafruit MAX98357, 3W 4ohm speakers hooked up to MAX98357. Running RetroPie/EmulationStation and I have zero audio from my wired speakers. I’ve tried modifying the config file to include i2s, force hdmi mode 2, ran install script for i2s amp from adafruit, no test sounds can be heard. I run Alsa mixer and the MAX98357 shows up as Hifiberry Hat, but not default. In addition to config settings, there are audio settings in RetroPie that I’m unsure what to set to (PCM, Master) and (ALSA:0,1…) and (HDMI, BOTH, LOCAL). I’ve searched and searched with no luck. Does anyone have any suggestions I can try?