Hi all,
I’m new to the pi but have worked few a few little projects, My big aim for getting into raspberry pi is to be able to provide digital maker sessions within my scout group so please be patient its for a good cause :)
I’m trying to write the programme (as the title describes) to build a line following robot using a raspberry pi 3b+, sts-pi kit, explorer phat, and a pair of line sensors.
i have previously driven the buggy around with a programme and also made the sensors work and print out results when the input changes, however I cannot for the life of me manage to get my programme to continue reading the sensors and play the loop continuously to make it an autonomous line follower, i have tried copying other peoples programmes and altering them for the explorerhat library and also tried writing a whole new one.
my latest code is here, could someone point out what i am doing wrong please. thanks in advance.
import explorerhat
while True:
if (left.is 1 == True) and (right.is 1 == True):
left = explorerhat.input.one.read()
right = explorerhat.input.two.read()
elif (left.is 1 == False) and (right.is 1 == True):
left = explorerhat.input.one.read()
right = explorerhat.input.two.read()
buggyl(40) and buggyr(0)
elif (left.is 1 == True) and (right.is 1 == False):
left = explorerhat.input.one.read()
right = explorerhat.input.two.read()
buggyr(40) and buggyl(0)
when i run the program the buggy will go forwards and just keep going, i cant even stop it by stopping the program, i have to load up a second program and run that.
shouldn’t the left = explorerhat.input.one.read() right = explorerhat.input.two.read()
be before the if (left.is 1 == True) and (right.is 1 == True):
This is what I used with my Explorer pHat, using a wireless keyboard for control.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import usb.core
import usb.util
import explorerhat
import time
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
GPIO.setup(5, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down = GPIO.PUD_UP)
x=(2) #shutdown variable
S=(100) #speed default value.
M=(0) # 0 = Not moving, 1 = Moving Forward, 2 = Moving Backward,
USB_VENDOR = 0x1997 # Rii
USB_PRODUCT = 0x2433 # Mini Wireless Keyboard
USB_IF = 0 # Interface
USB_TIMEOUT = 5 # Timeout in MS
BTN_LEFT = 80 # <
BTN_RIGHT = 79 # >
BTN_DOWN = 81 # V
BTN_UP = 82 # ^
BTN_STOP = 44 # Space
BTN_OK = 40 # OK
BTN_ONE = 30 # 1
BTN_TWO = 31 # 2
BTN_THREE = 32 # 3
BTN_FOUR = 33 # 4
BTN_FIVE = 34 # 5
BTN_SIX = 35 # 6
BTN_SEVEN = 36 # 7
BTN_EIGHT = 37 # 8
BTN_NINE = 38 # 9
BTN_ZERO = 39 # 0
dev = usb.core.find(idVendor=USB_VENDOR, idProduct=USB_PRODUCT)
endpoint = dev[0][(0,0)][0]
if dev.is_kernel_driver_active(USB_IF) is True:
usb.util.claim_interface(dev, USB_IF)
def Shutdown(channel):
global x
x = (0)
GPIO.add_event_detect(5, GPIO.FALLING, callback = Shutdown, bouncetime = 2000)
while True:
control = None
control = dev.read(endpoint.bEndpointAddress, endpoint.wMaxPacketSize, USB_TIMEOUT)
if control != None:
if BTN_ONE in control:
S = (10)
if BTN_TWO in control:
S = (20)
if BTN_THREE in control:
S = (30)
if BTN_FOUR in control:
S = (40)
if BTN_FIVE in control:
S = (50)
if BTN_SIX in control:
S = (60)
if BTN_SEVEN in control:
S = (70)
if BTN_EIGHT in control:
S = (10)
if BTN_NINE in control:
S = (90)
if BTN_ZERO in control:
S = (100)
if BTN_DOWN in control and M != 1: # Go into reverse if not moving forward, and stop turning if turning.
M = 2
if BTN_UP in control and M != 2: # Go into forward if not moving in reverse, and stop turning if turning.
M = 1
if BTN_LEFT in control and M == 0: # Turn left while stoped
if BTN_RIGHT in control and M == 0: # Turn right while stoped
if BTN_LEFT in control and M == 1: # Turn left while moving forwards
if BTN_RIGHT in control and M == 1: # Turn right while moving forwards
if BTN_LEFT in control and M == 2: # Turn left while moving backwards
if BTN_RIGHT in control and M == 2: # Turn right while moving backwards
if BTN_OK in control: # Stop moving and stop turning
M = 0
if BTN_EXIT in control:
raise SystemExit
if BTN_STOP in control:
os.system("sudo shutdown now -P")
if x == 0:
os.system("sudo shutdown now -P")
elif x == 1:
raise SystemExit