Subject: Need Help with GFX HAT - 'Hello World' Example Not Displaying Text on Raspberry Pi 5

Hi All,

I am currently facing an issue with my GFX HAT on the Raspberry Pi 5, specifically when trying to run the ‘hello world’ example. The problem arises with the display not showing any text, and I receive the following error message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/user/gfx-hat/examples/", line 53, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/gfxhat-0.0.1-py3.11.egg/gfxhat/", line 27, in show
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/gfxhat-0.0.1-py3.11.egg/gfxhat/", line 170, in show
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/gfxhat-0.0.1-py3.11.egg/gfxhat/", line 104, in setup
    GPIO.setup(self.pin_rst, GPIO.OUT)
RuntimeError: Mmap of GPIO registers failed

I have already noticed that the LED backlight and buttons are functioning correctly with other examples, but the display remains blank.

If anyone has encountered a similar issue or has insights into resolving this problem, I would greatly appreciate your assistance. Additionally, if you have successfully run the ‘hello world’ example on a Raspberry Pi 5 with a GFX HAT, I would be interested in hearing about your configuration or any troubleshooting steps you took.

Thank you in advance for your help!

The last line gives the reason of the failure: the Pi5 does not memory-map the GPIOs anymore. So you need an updated GPIO-package that supports the new interface (libgpiod).

See for example.

Amazing, thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

For anyone facing the same issue, these are the changes I made to

"""Library for the ST7567 128x64 SPI LCD."""
import gpiod
import spidev
import time
import random

SPI_SPEED_HZ = 1000000

WIDTH = 128

PIN_CS = 8
PIN_DC = 6

ST7567_PAGESIZE = 128

ST7567_DISPOFF = 0xae         # 0xae: Display OFF (sleep mode) */
ST7567_DISPON = 0xaf          # 0xaf: Display ON in normal mode */

ST7567_SETSTARTLINE = 0x40    # 0x40-7f: Set display start line */

ST7567_REG_RATIO = 0x20

ST7567_SETPAGESTART = 0xb0    # 0xb0-b7: Set page start address */

ST7567_SETCOLL = 0x00         # 0x00-0x0f: Set lower column address */
ST7567_COLL_MASK = 0x0f
ST7567_SETCOLH = 0x10         # 0x10-0x1f: Set higher column address */
ST7567_COLH_MASK = 0x0f

ST7567_SEG_DIR_NORMAL = 0xa0  # 0xa0: Column address 0 is mapped to SEG0 */
ST7567_SEG_DIR_REV = 0xa1     # 0xa1: Column address 128 is mapped to SEG0 */

ST7567_DISPNORMAL = 0xa6      # 0xa6: Normal display */
ST7567_DISPINVERSE = 0xa7     # 0xa7: Inverse display */

ST7567_DISPRAM = 0xa4         # 0xa4: Resume to RAM content display */
ST7567_DISPENTIRE = 0xa5      # 0xa5: Entire display ON */

ST7567_BIAS_1_9 = 0xa2        # 0xa2: Select BIAS setting 1/9 */
ST7567_BIAS_1_7 = 0xa3        # 0xa3: Select BIAS setting 1/7 */

ST7567_ENTER_RMWMODE = 0xe0   # 0xe0: Enter the Read Modify Write mode */
ST7567_EXIT_RMWMODE = 0xee    # 0xee: Leave the Read Modify Write mode */
ST7567_EXIT_SOFTRST = 0xe2    # 0xe2: Software RESET */

ST7567_SETCOMNORMAL = 0xc0    # 0xc0: Set COM output direction, normal mode */
ST7567_SETCOMREVERSE = 0xc8   # 0xc8: Set COM output direction, reverse mode */

ST7567_POWERCTRL_VF = 0x29    # 0x29: Control built-in power circuit */
ST7567_POWERCTRL_VR = 0x2a    # 0x2a: Control built-in power circuit */
ST7567_POWERCTRL_VB = 0x2c    # 0x2c: Control built-in power circuit */
ST7567_POWERCTRL = 0x2f       # 0x2c: Control built-in power circuit */

ST7567_REG_RES_RR0 = 0x21     # 0x21: Regulation Resistior ratio */
ST7567_REG_RES_RR1 = 0x22     # 0x22: Regulation Resistior ratio */
ST7567_REG_RES_RR2 = 0x24     # 0x24: Regulation Resistior ratio */

ST7567_SETCONTRAST = 0x81     # 0x81: Set contrast control */

ST7567_SETBOOSTER = 0xf8      # Set booster level */
ST7567_SETBOOSTER4X = 0x00    # Set booster level */
ST7567_SETBOOSTER5X = 0x01    # Set booster level */

ST7567_NOP = 0xe3             # 0xe3: NOP Command for no operation */


chip = None

class ST7567:
    """Class to drive the ST7567 128x64 SPI LCD."""

    def __init__(self, pin_rst=PIN_RST, pin_dc=PIN_DC, spi_bus=0, spi_cs=0, spi_speed=SPI_SPEED_HZ):
        """Initialise the ST7567 class.

        :param pin_rst: BCM GPIO pin number for reset
        :param pin_dc: BCM GPIO pin number for data/command
        :param spi_bus: SPI bus ID
        :param spi_cs: SPI chipselect ID (0/1 not BCM pin number)
        :param spi_speed: SPI speed (hz)

        self._is_setup = False
        self.pin_rst = pin_rst
        self.pin_dc = pin_dc
        self.spi_bus = spi_bus
        self.spi_cs = spi_cs
        self.spi_speed = spi_speed

        self.rotated = False
        self.chip = gpiod.Chip('gpiochip4')


    def setup(self):
        """Set up GPIO and initialise the ST7567 device."""
        if self._is_setup:
            return True
        # Configure pins
        reset_line = self.chip.get_line(self.pin_rst)
        dc_line = self.chip.get_line(self.pin_dc)

        reset_line.request(consumer='st7567', type=gpiod.LINE_REQ_DIR_OUT)
        dc_line.request(consumer='st7567', type=gpiod.LINE_REQ_DIR_OUT)

        # Open SPI device
        self.spi = spidev.SpiDev(), self.spi_cs)
        self.spi.max_speed_hz = self.spi_speed


        self._is_setup = True

    def dimensions(self):
        """Return the ST7567 display dimensions."""
        return (WIDTH, HEIGHT)

    def clear(self):
        """Clear the python display buffer."""
        self.buf = [0 for _ in range(128 * 64 // 8)]

    def _command(self, data):

        dc_line = self.chip.get_line(self.pin_dc)
        dc_line.set_value(0)  # Set data/command line to 0 for command
        dc_line.set_value(1)  # Set data/command line to 1 after sending command

    def _data(self, data):
        dc_line = self.chip.get_line(self.pin_dc)
        dc_line.set_value(1)  # Set data/command line to 1 for data

    def _reset(self):

        reset_line = self.chip.get_line(self.pin_rst)

    def _init(self):
            ST7567_BIAS_1_7,          # Bais 1/7 (0xA2 = Bias 1/9)
            ST7567_SETCOMREVERSE,     # Reverse COM - vertical flip
            ST7567_DISPNORMAL,        # Inverse display (0xA6 normal)
            ST7567_SETSTARTLINE | 0,  # Start at line 0
            ST7567_REG_RATIO | 3,
            ST7567_SETCONTRAST,       # Set contrast
            58                        # Contrast value

    def set_pixel(self, x, y, value):
        """Set a single pixel in the python display buffer.

        :param x: X position (from 0 to 127)
        :param y: Y position (from 0 to 63)
        :param value: pixel state 1 = On, 0 = Off

        if self.rotated:
            x = (WIDTH - 1) - x
            y = (HEIGHT - 1) - y
        offset = ((y // 8) * WIDTH) + x
        bit = y % 8
        self.buf[offset] &= ~(1 << bit)
        self.buf[offset] |= (value & 1) << bit

    def show(self):
        """Update the ST7567 display with the buffer contents."""
        for page in range(8):
            offset = page * ST7567_PAGESIZE
            self._command([ST7567_SETPAGESTART | page, ST7567_SETCOLL, ST7567_SETCOLH])
            self._data(self.buf[offset:offset + ST7567_PAGESIZE])

    def contrast(self, value):
        """Update the ST7568 display contrast."""
        self._command([ST7567_SETCONTRAST, value])

if __name__ == '__main__':  # pragma: no cover
    st7567 = ST7567()

    for x in range(64):
        st7567.set_pixel(x, x, 1)
        st7567.set_pixel(64 - x, x, 1)
        st7567.set_pixel(x + 2, x, 1)


        while True:
            for x in range(128):
                for y in range(64):
                    st7567.set_pixel(x, y, random.randint(0, 1))

    except KeyboardInterrupt:
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