There was an error running option 5 (pan tilt hat)

Après l’installation physique et logique de pan tilt hat et un premier échec (corrigé) du lancement du DESKTOP au niveau du PI4 pour absence de “xterm”, le lancement me renvoie maintenant :
“There was an error running option 5” . Pourrai-je avoir une piste, ou mieux une solution


Just FYI, you will get better support if you post in English.

Sorry but my english is too bad, i’ll try next time

Google Translate got me this.

After the physical and logical installation of pan tilt hat and a first failure (corrected) of the launch of the DESKTOP at the level of PI4 for lack of “xterm”, the launch now sends me back:
"There was an error running option 5. Can I have a lead, or better a solution

What are you running / launching, and from where? What are you specifically doing that gets that error, and what is displaying the error message?

Try running this from terminal, it should install everything needed and also get you the examples folder.
curl | bash

Thank you, for your reply. I started the installation “software” by following this link:

If you have already done the curl bash there is no need to run the Pimoroni dashboard.
To test your pan tilt hat just run some of the code files from the examples folder.
pantilt-hat/examples at master · pimoroni/pantilt-hat · GitHub

Thank you. I launched “pantiltweb”, result:
importError: No module named pantilthat

I searched and did not find it… It may be there the pb.

For this case, I found: I have to do sudo python3 … Now I’m going to test the pantiltweb.

Ok, thats good progress.

Sorry, for the pantiltweb, I display the steering boxes well, but nothing happens when I click on one of them. I believe that the record /API/ given in the $get is involved and I do not know how to correct.

Good evening, for the web, I have to launch it in http, but I can not find the syntax to reach the right folder on the server. Can you help me. http://my-IP/???../gui.html

Good evening, I found a plugin for Octoprint t: easy servo which can use pantilthat. Unfortunately it doesn’t work (I could give you more details if you ask). Do you know this product? do you have general information for me?
Thank you

Did you install flask, its required by
I have never used the pantiltweb software, so there isn’t much I can tell you about that.
I’m using motion eye os with my Pan Tilt setups. It has built in support for the Pan Tilt hat. It is a bit of work to setup the action buttons, but once that’s done I can control it from a web gui in a browser, over my LAN from another PC on the LAN.

Merci beaucoup pour votre aide qui m’a fait beaucoup progresser.
J’ai trouvé la cause du problème : j’avais chargé une extension de PYTHON3 en dehors du venv d’octoprint.
Tout fonctionne bien après réglages des affichages de l’image et des touches de déplacement.

Encore Merci.